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  1. Sorry to bother, but: can't you distribute prizes to the lowest ranks? We are a "mass" to the points and WU's, but prizes are the most (rank based) directed to the top 1000. I agree their effort shall be awarded. Right now I am using 3 computers and still not surpassing 2k. I hope everyones electricity bill doesn't get too big. Ty all from LTT Edit: My huge mistake. Prizes are more for random than top ones.
  2. Will everyone with >500k and >10 active days participate of the prize distribution? Or will it only be for TOP X participants?
  3. Thank you. Appreciated! Is this sheet public? Could you post the link? If not, how can I check my earned point during the LTT event?
  4. Hey, How can I check if I am participating in that Tournament? My folding user name is wagnerbraw. Ty.