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  1. Nah i thought i had the right link copied ahhaha sorry
  2. So I decided to pick up these parts right here: http://ca.pcpartpicker.com/p/kKDCt6 and i was wondering what type of games this build could run.
  3. I really dont care about looks, as long as it runs good im fine with it
  4. Hi, where should I start if I want to learn more about computers? I want to be able to pick out my own parts for a PC also to know what those parts actually do. If you guys could help me out, that would be awesome Thanks
  5. So I'm back again, I've realized that I can be patient and save money by ordering online. If you guys again, could help me find the parts for a budget of about $650-$700 (CAD) That would be great. I'm not looking to play BF or CoD on this build. I just want to run CS:Go and LoL smoothly. No need for any Os, Monitors, Keyboards, ect. Thanks
  6. Hey i updated the thread, sorry about that
  7. My budget is $800 CAD. Not looking to spend any more than that No need for peripherals Able to run average games smoothly like CSGO & LoL Heres the catch: I need a PC by the end of this week. I have a local store i can go to, but im not sure which parts to pick. If you guys could click the link and help me choose the parts, that would be amazing. http://www.memoryexpress.com/SystemConfig/Default.aspx Please and thank you
  8. Budget - $800 - $850 (Canadian) Aim - High performance gaming Peripherals - Could you please include an OS so the price can add up to my budget