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Everything posted by yeetyeetyeeter

  1. ok so i pressed some keys on accident and it showed me a please wait screen. after that everything has weird outlines and colors like shown in the screenshots i don't know what keys i pressed. and hoped that you guys would know. restarting doesn't fix it
  2. talking with people through discord, i want my voice to sound clear
  3. im searching for a good microphone (not one thats included with a headset) 150-300 euros is my budget does anyone have some good recommendations?
  4. yeah, do you have any recommendations?
  5. oh im sorry, euros and i dont really care. i prefer usb because it seems easier. might be wrong tho
  6. hey, ive been searching for a good microphone in the price range of 150 - 300 but im not sure what is the right choice. is there anyone that can help me with this? or give me some recommendations
  7. reinstalling is my last resort, im searching for any other methods of fixing it because i see alot of other people on other sites that did manage to fix it
  8. it wont let me type in the windows search bar or the control panel, same for alot of other windows programs. i have tried alot of fixes but none have worked
  9. any recommendations on what microphone i should get? i want a microphone that sounds good and doesn't cost too much. i need it for streaming/discord calls, my budget is 150 ive been looking online but im not really sure what i should get. thanks
  10. if i reset my pc and choose the keep my files option does this remove my games? it says "removes apps settings, but keeps your personal files" (doing this because i cannot type in the windows search bar or any other windows related things and have tried everything)
  11. https://www.bol.com/nl/ https://www.megekko.nl/home/ https://www.mediamarkt.nl/?rbtc=google|cpc|branded&gclid=CjwKCAjwsO_4BRBBEiwAyagRTeXZs4Ey9JBEoNdj8NJcdwIUYl2gSQ5e953qi3NSGUQ9hB-cgfTWGhoCKmUQAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds
  12. this is for my brother, and yeah he needs a laptop
  13. im from the netherlands, i dont really care where i buy it from
  14. cant seem to find them for around 500-600 just 650-800