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Dope M.S.R.

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  1. This puts a date on me, but the years were 2002-2003 when I was using a OS called Lindows. Just was a absolute garbage OS. Though I was only a young lad in high school and the cool geeky thing to do was to use Linux/Unix and smack talk MicroSuck as much as possible, yet use Windows to play major gaming titles. Lindows just made Windows look more appealing and stable lol. Good Times!
  2. Dang and thats good air flow for sure. Only problem which will cause me not to is its a mid tower. My first build was a mid and then i went to a full. I wont go back sadly. its a stubborn thing with a side of running other drives in my case for things. But appreciate the information as maybe I'll have to look outside of Thermaltake full towers for a change.
  3. Interesting about the air flow and cooling. I'll have to look into that a bit more but still kinda sold with doing air cooling with this case. Thank you for the reply!
  4. So I'm looking to buy this case for my next build. Anyone out there already have the case and what are your thoughts on it?