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  1. i fink i have a pentium 1 and some ddr2 ram. alon with some really old pc case. i think my mom trashed it, or it's in my parent's house, i cant remember, it was like 5 years ago when i last seen them. lol
  2. check it on pcpartpicker, it's so easy, you should always have at least 50 watt spare for boosting up ur pc and other stuff
  3. Hi guys, I know have 2 monitors, an Asus ultrawide(32:9) and an Asus 240hz swift. I also have2 Asus 2080ti.{yes, I am a big fan of Asus, don't judge me} So my problem is that should I connect the 2 monitors to the 2 different graphic cards and run them separately. or SLI and connect both monitors to 1 GPU and make then run in SLI Thx
  4. Thx for the website ralf, amazon is so overpriced, but i cant fint any retailers. i will use the oc for productivity, is like half half
  5. oh, The aio is for temporary, before i assemble the loop and 1 monitor is for my laptop and 2 for the pc
  6. I'm getting a new pc, my budget is around 10000, but that is including all the keyboards and mouse, etc.. https://pcpartpicker.com/list/zL8Yf9 This is my current pc, but some people say that an i9 10980xe, Asus rampage, and 128gb ram. Would that Be better?Please try to help me make a setup that's for gaming and productivity.Thx p.s i want custom loop for both cpu and gpu and rtx graphics cards and a lot of rgb