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Everything posted by Shankem831

  1. I find a lot of these but just chassis. The other ones I find are over ~$1200.
  2. I think I found what you are talking about. https://www.newegg.com/intel-xeon-e5-2620-v4-lga-2011-3/p/N82E16819117629
  3. Ah ok. I would probably want to do newer hardware just for future proofing. Goes to show that I do not know a whole lot about these processors.
  4. Minecraft (survival and FTB), Ark, GTA V FiveM, Empyrion, etc. I was about to buy a bunch of dell poweredge 2650s but a friend of mine told me to just build my own but that is why I came to this forum, to get better advice.
  5. Something like this? https://www.newegg.com/intel-xeon-e5-2670-lga-2011/p/N82E16819117263?item=9SIADU09GB9642&source=region&nm_mc=knc-googlemkp-pc&cm_mmc=knc-googlemkp-pc-_-pla-brute+networks-_-processors+-+server-_-9SIADU09GB9642&gclid=CjwKCAiA7t3yBRADEiwA4GFlIzXqpy_995u20vDO2tmeg0UndpLJCDGgALOIPOuEjfH2YTEm92QNtBoCj6UQAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds
  6. Ive been looking at these. I find all kinds of different prices from $400 - $1500. Do you have a link to some that you recommend?
  7. Currently looking to build a server and would like it to rack mountable. I have a 42U rack thats just sitting here not really doing anything. Might as well put it to use. The server will used for game hosting and probably other things. I will more than likely be running ESXI. What would you guys suggest for parts? I would atleast want DDR4 64GB ECC and would like to be in rack mountable case, maybe a 4U case.