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  1. Disclaimer: I have watched LTT for a fair amount of time but I haven't really been involved in the community very much so if i manage to say anything controversial I'm just being oblivious. So this is the first time that I have posted to this forum and probably the second time I have posted to a forum in general. I don't know if something along these lines has been said already. I'm sure that this video has been discussed at a great length here so sorry. In the "I've been considering retiring" Linus mentioned that he felt he had in some ways encouraged a level of consumerism (I am sure his is a very heavy paraphrase at the very best). Watching LTT for a fair while now I feel a lot more confident about buying used hardware since I know a lot more about it and I feel like I know a lot more of the things that I should be looking out for. If I didn't watch these videos I wouldn't have snapped up the used UNICOMP keyboard that I saw online for about half price or the used 144hz monitor that I am going to be picking up soon (that last one especially would have generated a lot of waste if I had picked that up new and the other had been thrown away). I also think that the sort of janky DIY things that are on LTT actively promote re-using parts and making use of things to save a few dollars. I have even gone as far as to take out the old SSD in my ooold school laptop, wipe it and then just use that as a portable drive with a SATA to USB dongle (I don't know a ton about it but it has been pretty awesome for transferring photos from my phone to my laptop) if I hadn't known what to look for in my laptop etc that would have ended up in the trash in all likelihood. Anyway, the point of this long and rabling post is that LTT has made me so much better at reusing things that might have otherwise gone to waste before and I think that is a really awesome thing. I don't know any statistics at all but if even a fraction of LTT viewers have brought more used hardware as a result of what they have learned on LTT that might very well have made a difference; even if it isn't huge in the grander scheme of things. Sorry again about this post being a real hot mess. I hope everyone has a great day <3 <3 <3