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About Nyqn_cat

  • Birthday March 28

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    Mediocre programmer, nothing special.


  • CPU
    Core i7 11700K
  • Motherboard
    MSI B650
  • RAM
    Trident Z Royal 16gb 3600mhz
  • GPU
    RTX 3060
  • PSU
    750 watt
  • Operating System
    Windows 11 <3

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  1. sorry I just added more detail to the thread but I have tried re-leveling the bed several times
  2. Hello, last weekend I went to micro center and bought the Ender 3 v2. I was told that it was a great printer for the price so I thought I would try it. after I had gotten it all built I obviously tried to print something. then I saw it move the filament with the nozzle of the 3D printer (Like it would push already printed filament out of the way or continue to drag the bit of filament that was just recently printed). I've tried re-leveling the printing bed several times and still the same issue. so I read online that painters tape works for better grip. I tried that and it works better than before but it still moves parts of the print with the printing nozzle. its been a week and im pretty sure Micro Center only allows me to return it within 15 days of it being bought. it would be cool if it would work properly but if it doesn't work then I'd rather return it. Thanks for your help. Nozzle temp: 195-200°c Bed temp: 40-50°c Printing speed: 50-60% Filament: PLA and PLA+ Useful links: https://creality3d.shop/products/creality3d-upgraded-ender-3-v2-3d-printer?gclid=CjwKCAjw3pWDBhB3EiwAV1c5rGTgXvtFBoeX8Fgne1nlcjOBFA-Ju5tsJhaMVTrBY98ykL2QMUMGHxoCueQQAvD_BwE https://www.microcenter.com/product/623606/creality-ender-3-v2-3d-printer
  3. yesterday morning my microphone for my void elite surround headset from corsair (obviously) was working fine for discord and zoom. later in the evening i realized that there was an update for the icue software so i downloaded it. soon after installing the icue update i realize on discord my mic isn't working. i though it was discord being discord and fucking with your input and output settings but they both were on the headset. then i open the icue software to see whats going on and if it accidentally muted my mic from there. i tried unplugging and plugging it back in as any idiot would think to do. then when i plug it in i hear "microphone muted" from the voice control on the software when the microphone icon was not muted. when i pressed the mic mute/unmute button on the icue software it said mic feedback on/off instead of microphone muted. Im here to know if its just my icue software being dumb or if its a software bug entirely and nothing with my pc or icue.(yes i tried uninstalling and reinstalling the entire thing.)
  4. recently when we switched to comcast i had noticed that it randomly crashes at 2-5am and is almost happening every single day. i cannot figure out why. any trouble-shooting suggestions?
  5. in the Nvidia control panel it only says 60hz
  6. Hello, I have the Rtx 2060 phoenix from asus it has 2 hdmi 1 dvi and 1 displayport but i was wondering if i could use 144hz on display port instead of dvi. My monitor is the asus vg248 and is capable of running 144hz when i bought the display port cable it was display port 1.2 if that makes a difference Thank you for your help - Nyan