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  1. Hey everyone! I posted a bit ago asking for tips on a first build, and here's what I've come up with, I'd love any comments! https://pcpartpicker.com/user/Saiylor/saved/kxBqpg (I am aware of the warning surrounding B450 motherboards compatibility with 3000 series cpus, but that is fixed with a bios update) (I also have not included a cpu fan because the Ryzen 3600 comes with one) For reference: 1. Budget & Location USA Under $1000, ideally more like $600 but I'm not too sure how these things price 2. Aim Gaming, things such as PUBG, R6, Minecraft, etc, but nothing toooooo heavy on power needs (I'm no pro, just want a decent computer to play with my friends) 3. Monitors 2, 1080p 4. Peripherals Need to purchase a keyboard and maybe a mouse, so I'd take recommendations on that. Also need a Windows OS. 5. Why are you upgrading? I'm upgrading because my Mac is built for working, not gaming, and I hate having to boot into Windows just to play some games. I just want a designated gaming rig that I can turn on and play without issue.
  2. So it would fit on the motherboard you suggested? Or just some motherboard in general I assume?
  3. I may have come into a Crucial MX300 Internal 1050gb ssd, would that work?
  4. I already own one of these monitors: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B072M34RQC/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o08_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1 How does it stack up with the ones you provided?
  5. Hey everyone, I'm looking into building my first PC! Admittedly, I'm not very knowledgeable about this stuff but I'm working on it. I'm a computer science major so this stuff isn't anywhere near foreign to me, but I just dont know how to wade through the ocean of options out there. 1. Budget & Location USA Under $1000, ideally more like $600 but I'm not too sure how these things price 2. Aim Gaming, things such as PUBG, R6, Minecraft, etc, but nothing toooooo heavy on power needs (I'm no pro, just want a decent computer to play with my friends) 3. Monitors 2, 1080p 4. Peripherals Need to purchase a keyboard and maybe a mouse, so I'd take recommendations on that. Also need a Windows OS. 5. Why are you upgrading? I'm upgrading because my Mac is built for working, not gaming, and I hate having to boot into Windows just to play some games. I just want a designated gaming rig that I can turn on and play without issue. Any help is appreciated, thanks a bunch!