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About AL1V3den

  • Birthday July 21

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  • Location
    That one state near Cuba
  • Interests
    Things that go Vroom Vroom, things that Click Clack, and PC's *beep beep*
  • Biography
    Howdy, I'm from the dimension my house and I like normal stuff. Also Alfredo Pasta is the best food in the world.
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  1. well where can I start cuz its pretty urgent?
  2. So my camera I use for YT is the GX85 and for a while it worked flawlessly, but then I did something by accident (forgot what I did :p) and now its just a black screen in obs, skype, zoom, and discord. Can anyone help? Btw i dont use the camlink I use this: https://www.walmart.com/ip/DIGITNOW-HDMI-Video-Capture-Audio-Capture-Cards-USB-Full-HD-1080p-USB-2-0-Record-via-DSLR-Camcorder-Action-Cam-Live-Streaming-Broadcasting/153312920?wmlspartner=wlpa&selectedSellerId=12109&&adid=22222222227355853292&wl0=&wl1=g&wl2=c&wl3=448936313986&wl4=pla-925404084402&wl5=9052878&wl6=&wl7=&wl8=&wl9=pla&wl10=117437278&wl11=online&wl12=153312920&veh=sem&gclid=CjwKCAjwjqT5BRAPEiwAJlBuBaO3EyiP4AGn1j2iQhLWEXmriJgLlnC5XiMLSsRPOmqoORjuxjPtBhoCNPEQAvD_BwE
  3. No, I have other apps, and I barely load anything. And there was no update that I was aware of. The problems started yesterday when I needed to use it to edit a vid, and it was launching, but never fully launched. And when it did "launch" it will close itself when I enter the editor.
  4. Well i deleted the duplicate but it's still turtle slow.
  5. So I had to re-install davinci cuz it was closing on its own even when i restarted it and my pc, and now its slow in: launching launching projects loading previews (takes a good 3-5 min) timeline laggy as hell (Plays preview for 3 seconds and doesnt play anymore) and slow renders. Back then I never experienced these issues before but now its really impeding my workflow. Does anyone have a solution that can fix this issue?
  6. So I'm planning on getting the Omd em10 mkii for photography and videos, but can I use it as a 1080p 60fps webcam?
  7. How can i do that if im stuck in login screen? i cant leave safe mode without logging in.
  8. My new password works for microsoft and outlook when i logged in using my phone and another pc, but it wont work for my pc.
  9. So this is how it started: I wanted to fix something in my pc. I saw a guide saying I have to boot in via safe mode. "Ok" i said. Now I'm in the login of the safe mode screen and its asking for a password. Now being the smart little snowflake I am, I never set a password for my pc, only a pin. And even when i reseted my microsoft password three times, it still won't work. I try to access: startup repair -Nope Command prompt -Nope RESETING WINDOWS 10 -Nope Does anyone have any solutions cuz I'm afraid I'm gonna break my monitor with my keyboard soon.
  10. AL1V3den

    Eartips for zs5

    I have a pair of zs5's from kz. These are amazing and I heard aftermarket eartips make it even better. What eartips do you guys recommend?
  11. So i recently got a c270 logitech webcam that shoots 720p 30fps. Does anyone know what I can do to make the webcam look better? I already have a lamp acting as a light so I'm ok in that section. Mostly asking best way to make it look color accurate. Thx.
  12. I'm torn between an Ikea Markus and a Hbada chair. Link:https://www.google.com/aclk?sa=L&ai=DChcSEwjJnYTBto3oAhUDPQwKHcuQABcYABAEGgJxYg&ae=1&sig=AOD64_2wblu-SC6XF1jwsGp7VnGf_jacjg&ctype=70&q=&ved=2ahUKEwim7fnAto3oAhUlTd8KHT7HCnwQwg96BAgLECA&adurl=https://www.amazon.com/Hbada-Ergonomic-Office-Chair-Adjustable/dp/B07P7MQ9D5/ref%3Dasc_df_B07P7MQ9D5/%3Ftag%3Dhyprod-20%26linkCode%3Ddf0%26hvadid%3D312157797588%26hvpos%3D%26hvnetw%3Dg%26hvrand%3D13881134591503279117%26hvpone%3D%26hvptwo%3D%26hvqmt%3D%26hvdev%3Dm%26hvdvcmdl%3D%26hvlocint%3D%26hvlocphy%3D9011954%26hvtargid%3Daud-799146894166:pla-654164889984%26psc%3D1 Now I know some of you guys might not know what the Hbada is, but for those who do, should i get a Markus or the Hbada?