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  1. No it isn't. That's auction pricing. Stores use price points that have a very clearly defined rule set. That's how people know all those details about walmart and sams club sales ending in certain numbers instead of .99. I'm asking if anyone knows if Best Buy has a similarly known pattern. https://www.rather-be-shopping.com/blog/save-money-at-walmart/
  2. I know a lot of companies have very clear pricing structures for the urgency of their clearance sales. This TV I've been watching normally costs $1499.99 and is on clearance sale 35% off for $975.99 Does that have any idea if that says anything specific about the sale? I'm trying to wait out the best time to buy in case it goes on an even deeper discount.
  3. Please educate yourself. https://www.eff.org/issues/financial-censorship If you're not employed and have a contract to receive money instead of a paycheck that is literally the definition of a contractor. I was a contractor you can't gaslight me. I did. It's not valid because Ian has debunked that "theory" No they are the aggressors. Animals are definitely aggressive by nature. You have no experience actually living with bears. They're trespassing on my land. I'm not shifting blame I'm putting it where it belongs.
  4. The "conversation" now consists of how to block the door in an active shooter scenario. It isn't the year long hunter safety course we used to have when I was a kid that actually taught you about how dangerous guns are, how to handle them safely, and what it actually meant to shoot something.
  5. Make up your mind is it a public key or a private key.
  6. Not when they are breaking the contract they have with the channel without explaining what the contract is.
  7. Censoring through withholding owned income is definitely censorship. No it's correct. Youtube channels have a contract to get income. That makes them contractors. Ian has made several videos where he talks about it and that was not the problem as it could have easily been allowed as it's use is okay in history lessons for the actual flag (just not the swastika on it's own) which is what Forgotten Weapons is. Even if that were they case plenty of videos get blocked by region so there's no reason to make a full blown block on videos platform wide for the nazi flag. Most of all he is allowed to do it now negating your point. Same goes for mountain lions. They come near my land because my hunting land is their land too. They aren't coming up to my back door. I'm hunting for food where it's completely my right to do so. I am not the aggressor until they charge at me.
  8. I was always led to believe there was a hard limit at 7 years for pretty much anything except murder in the US. I guess treason and such is not limited. Too bad for my friend.
  9. That's the problem. They're limiting visibility of the channels even if you're subscribed to it. They also are removing monetization despite how many people watch the videos.
  10. You're wrong. We do need to increase access because shootings have only gotten worse since they took hunter safety out of schools.. Censoring history and safety videos about firearms is bad because it allows the proliferation of myths and especially the spread of video game logic that guns aren't real or dangerous. There is no appropriate place to learn about guns ever since they took hunter education out of schools Requiring them to be a licensed instructor goes against the second amendment.
  11. And while we're at it can we get the sexy cartoon girls on gpu shrouds again?
  12. Yeah they have that. My family uses one at our amusement center. I don't know which system they use though but they already exist and are out there. I'll try to remember to call tomorrow and find out who they use.
  13. Literally had this problem four days ago. Stupid HDMI and its no feedback not positive lock in mechanism.