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About joemomma22

  • Birthday Jan 22, 1993

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    joemomma22 (although I dont play much anymore)

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    Lots of stuff?

    Play Smite? add me Foogazi
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  • CPU
    Intel i7 4770K
  • Motherboard
    Asus Maximus VI Hero
  • RAM
  • GPU
    Nvidia GeForce GTX 780Ti 3GB
  • Case
    NZXT Phantom 630 Black
  • Storage
    240GB Crucial M500 SSD; SeaGate 1TB SSHD
  • PSU
    Corsair TX650
  • Display(s)
    Acer T232HLbmidz 23.0"
  • Cooling
    Corsair H110 Aio Liquid Cooler
  • Keyboard
    Razer DeathStalker
  • Mouse
    Razer Naga 2014
  • Sound
    SteelSeries H Wireless (being returned for something else)
  • Operating System
    Windows 8.1
  • PCPartPicker URL

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  1. Wow. Thanks. The whole time I’ve been searching “audio switch” and getting audiophile studio grade switch boards as the result. Thank you much for this all I needed was to put the word headphone lol.
  2. OK here’s the deal, I have a set of Sennheiser headphones that plug into the 3.5 MM jack in the back of the computer and I also have a set of Logitech speakers that plug into the same jack. I’m not sure if what I need is a dac or just some sort of switch But what I need is to be able to have them both plugged in and click a button that switches between both of them
  3. Sorry for double posting but just curious if anyone has opinions on mice as well
  4. I understand that. The strafe is a corsair product though
  5. I don't understand how tkl is more but it does seem to be true. Why would the strafe disappoint? How can you say that having purchased the k70 instead with no strafe experience.
  6. The one thing that's missing from everyone here is that I'd prefer a tkl (10 keyless) model otherwise I'm going with the strafe probably
  7. Finally it's time to upgrade. Currently running razed naga 2014 and death stalker keyboard. I've been wanting to change to a mechanical rgb for a while now, and my mouse started doing the classic naga "mouse stops tracking in games/looks at the floor" so I'll just swap both. I really like the mmo buttons on the naga so I think I'll be going with the Logitech g600... I'd like the corsair scimitar if that hideous peice of yellow plastic wasn't there at all Now I'm lost on the keyboard selection. I really love the Logitech g410 atlas except for the tiny echo of the spring that the omron romerg switch leaves behind. Then there's the corsair k65 rgb but it only comes in my red switches. I'm lookin for brown. And then there's the new STRAFE, and of course there's no tkl model. Why can't there be a keyboard that has the software support of Logitech and corsair and I suppose razer (as far as the rgb and macro functions go) but a tkl model with a selection of cherry switches lol.
  8. Just the average run of the mill auxiliary 3.5mm speakers. Yeah I don't need 2 volume controls or anything I just want to be able to toggle between the 2 outputs so when people are over I can turn the speakers on instead of my headphones.
  9. I've been using a splitter for a while to go from mobo to headphones and speakers then just keeping my speakers muted until I had someone else in the room with me. Well the splitter crapped out on me and I've been wanting to get a desk amp anyway for my hd598s. Is there a good affordable nice looking desk amp that can switch between 2 outputs without swapping the plugs constantly?
  10. Had there been any update on that asus monitor ?
  11. Oh that makes sense then Oh yeah it would be easy or just take it apart a couple screws and spray em nice. I want to see that asus when it comes out that glenwing posted
  12. This is great. Too bad I can't find it on amazon
  13. Oh wow somehow I mistook 1440p for 144hz when you linked it. My bad. But yes then the acer is pretty great. Not interested in freesync. Team green for life lol. But the Orange bezels would definitely need a spray painting or a plastidip lol
  14. I really dig the price point on that benq... What's wrong with it lol. Also I don't see anywhere that it says 144hz on it. I wonder if there's a bigger difference in performance with a 60hz 1ms compared to playing on a 144hz 4ms. I believe what I currently have is 60hz 5ms so it's better either way.
  15. Okay are there any 144hz 1440p without the overpriced gsync module ?