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Everything posted by JMG 2

  1. Oh I got lucky my dad had this and let me have it to use a a nas 2 years ago
  2. Its so slow though only like a 3mb per second transfer rate.
  3. I have an old sony vaio that I put ubuntu on and have been using a a small storage server.
  4. K thanks would this still be better when paired with a 1660 ti in a laptop?
  5. K thanks i was consodering this for a us purchas for a gaming machine
  6. I'm thinking about 2 cups and want some feedback Ryzen 3600 Or the i5 9600k gen Thanks
  7. Is there anything that I could ad to make the 100 worrh some more proformance mabey a better CPU?
  8. I just want to see some other pc's you guys have built to get some ideas for my own build.
  9. Why not a lot of people want to move because apple computers cost so much. This is a crappy move. I just want to know why this is happening.
  10. JMG 2

    SSD or HDD

    I will be using it for gaming and editing youtube videos
  11. I have a laptop with an ssd in it currently it has an extra drive bay I don't know wether to get an ssd or a hard drive just looking for some thhoughts here. Thanks
  12. I have an old radeon 9200 around no heat sink though