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  1. Agreed it's probably not worth it. The only reason I was think of OC'ing was the frnakly minescule 4% ish bottle neck between CPU and GPU. Perfect balance just sounded nice, but in the end you're right it probably won't deliver noticeably more frames or better overall performance.
  2. I'm looking for some advice on a build that I'm nearly ready to put together (Just waiting on some parts). Part List: pcpartpicker ASRock X570M PRO4 AMD 3600x G.SKILL Ripjaws V 3600 Cas16 2070 Super (The gigabyte windforce oc one its at like 1800mhz ish. Draws a bit more power than stock 2070s) Noctua NH-U12A be quiet! Pure Power 11 600W 80+Gold My big question is with the current power supply, which I know will cover my base requirements, can a stable overclock of 4.0 to 4.2 be achieved on the 3600x. If so does anyone have some values for the (average) 3600x that they would like the share? I am also aware that much of the performance of these chips relies on the timings and speed of my ram. So if it is possible to achieve an overclock on the 3600x is there overclocking or timings tweaks that should be done to the 3600mhz Cas16? All of this of course is assuming that I have the power budget for it, which I would love to figure out... Any numbers, reliable online calculators, or general advice you can offer are appreciated.