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  1. Sheesh. 860... Apologies. Honest mistake and now I'm an idiot. Hahaha. Wow. Humble yourself for a moment. 970 is my M.2 that I wish I just had put my OS on... Would have been better than dealing with Mr. SuperRrooper
  2. Just built my new rig and downloaded my Windows OS onto one of my 500 g Sams. 970 Evo SSD. I was under the train of thought that would save more room on my M.2 Sams. for more games/video files for editing. But now I'm all terrified I may have sacrificied some long lost performance boost I'm unaware of because of not putting my OS on the M.2. Other than Boot Times, will I notice any real performance dings to my gaming or video editing? I'm literally thinking of formating the SSD and just redownloading on M.2, but I'd rather spend the time downloading drivers in the morning than backtracking. Thx guys/gals