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  1. I'm trying to reduce the micromanaging and paperwork.
  2. So like 3/4 of the internet. Networking only blocks as needed and bad/distracting things are discovered. And some things can't (or won't) be blocked. Like all the websites under sites.google.com that are literally called unblockedgames or stuff made in scratch that others use for coding.
  3. For more than one desktop. The task view button, make new desktop, then Ctrl+Win+[Left/Right]. That shortcut gets passed around so they can play games and hide it when teachers walk by.
  4. Oh.. hmm.. Windows just calls it "Multiple Desktops". Always had virtual in my head.
  5. I dunno what else I can say beyond my first post. I want to make a program to have them do these these things and it detect them. That is it. Most will be straight forward, but there will have to be some work around ways to do Windows functions like Alt+Tab. And technically the Windows button shortcuts, but I've taken those off the keyboards. I have web development JS experience, but I hate web development. I have done VB long ago. Now I only ever regularly use Raspberry Pi & Arduino Python and C++ And I don't know what you want curriculum wise.. ? All work I give I can make up as I want. But I am Jr High elective, it doesn't matter, it is only to fill schedules. They can sit there and get a 0 the entire semester and it will change nothing for them. So if they don't want to do the work, but at least aren't disturbing the entire class there is nothing I can do beyond parent emails and hope they care. Then maybe the kid will do something.
  6. I am not a general computer class. They don't exist anymore. I am audio/video and I need them to be able to do what we need to do. That is it. And I am not calling them idiots in some general sense. I am saying that as a whole, they are not capable of doing/handling that level of work. Hopefully there is a "yet" on the end of that... Many, many students are typically 2-3 years behind the previous established norm. This of all things popped in my youtube recommended last night and it is a good watch for some context. I know I come across as abrupt and frustrated and it is because I am. I am a teacher because I want to be, but it is so discouraging the mentality of students in school now. Find some random teacher "I quit and why" videos. It is incredibly demoralizing.
  7. This shows you still don't quite understand the point. I have a computer lab. They don't know how to use them. I want to teach and test by using them. Adobe stuff is not straight forward or simple. They need the muscle memory. Of course there are multiple ways. I need to teach them *a* way, These are 7th/8th grade.. they can't remember what program we use and you want to show them every way possible to do something.. You are in the wrong decade.
  8. Reading compression? How can I build something to test this stuff is the point. I would like a program that can be run and as keys/functions are used it can detect it and record wrong/correct. And for certain programs perhaps detect clicked places on a picture of that program. I have 2 possibilities, but am looking for anything else.
  9. " We live in a society exquisitely dependent on science and technology, in which hardly anyone knows anything about science and technology. " - Carl Sagan
  10. I agree with that, but you are in the very tiny minority. I am an elective in jr high and many simply do not care because it doesn't matter. At best I can get them to actually stay seated, not yell across the room, and let me help those that do want to do it. My plan is to build this overall computing lesson before ever getting into editing and then have something to refer them back to instead of answering the basics constantly.
  11. I was the campus tech for 4 years. Now teaching AV and Robotics. They ask me weekly, almost daily, how to save, how to undo, what program do we use, As it is, they don't know what File Explorer is, they don't know what the start menu is, they will sit there and turn the monitor off and on 10x and then tell me the computer doesn't work. Last semester I had students, after 15+ weeks, asking me how to save and turn in. They will get 2 sentences into a written guide or 30 seconds into a video guide and then ask me what to do. 75% of them can literally only use a phone and cannot focus more than a tiktok video. In robotics when I introduced coding the first time they shut down. 11 out of 16 kids wouldn't do it and took the 0. I now have them do pseudo code in 'programming their day' and we refine that down.
  12. That is hilarious. You have no idea. You scale is way off. In a game atm, will add more in a bit...
  13. I think this will be the best place to post this.. I am a 7th/8th grade teacher and they have no idea how to use computers I want to make a section about computer usage, but I need a way to check and test them over it. Might anyone have any ideas? I would love to have as much as possible in a program that has them use key commands and does certain functions, but.. I don't know how practical that is. I have used VB to make a program long ago, and that could cover some things, but I don't know to what extent at this point. And for reference, I mean things like shortcuts (undo, redo, save, and other program specific ones), opening file explorer and navigating somewhere, moving/copying, perhaps detect if they go to the start menu and open a certain program, stuff along this line. Something to use it then test them on doing it. But perhaps this is a dream
  14. Oops, added I've been eyeing the PG27AQN, but.. $1k is more than I can justify