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  1. Even after disabling it my CPU temputure sit stably at 50°C while running cinebench.I do think there is a Bug because this strange ferquency limiting disappeared when I switch to windows server 2008R2.The information I get from the internet also conform that disabling BD PROCHOT is necessary to get the same performence on windows server 2016 and 2019.There is a risk of overheating,but it can be avoid by monitoring the tempuuture constantly or setting thorttle limits using third-party softwares.
  2. I am a LTT fan from China and I watched the video "RIPPED-OFF on Ebay AGAIN! - Intel "Black Ops" CPU" just now.I wants to share my experiment with all of you guys and hope it would be helpful. I have ran into the same problem once,it is E7 4890V2 in my case.After some digging on the Internet,I found that there a lots of complains about IVY-Bridge CPUs just can't run full speed under a stress test.It eventurally turns out that MODERN WINDOWS OS like window 8 8.1 and 10 treat IVB CPUs in a wierd way.The CPU ferquency multiplyer can be stuck from x8 to x29 due to t a function named "BD PROCHOT" .After turnning it off using a software called "Throttle stop",IVB CPUs then can run at full speed.It did work for me,may be it could also solve the problem appeared in this video. Although the photo attached is in Chinese,it is still obvious that I managed to get both of the 4890V2 run at full speed,while they are both stuck at 0.8 Ghz at the beginning.