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Biscuit Boy

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Everything posted by Biscuit Boy

  1. I did see that a bit earlier and it was good timing. It's not exactly what I'm looking for atm, but thanks for the heads up anyway.
  2. The title sums it up well. I've been starting to look around for a portable monitor for my laptop, as dual monitor would be amazing wherever I go on campus. I've watched through a few of the LTT videos from about 2-4 years back, but I'm still just not as well versed as I'd like to be in what brands would be good for this sort of thing. Any defaults to look at, then dive deeper, or would my own research to my specific situation be better? For context, I have a Framework laptop with 2x USB A's, 1x USB C, 1x, 256Gb storage module, and 1x HDMI port. I'm definitely good with ordering more modules to swap the A ports if it would help with the portable experience. Thx for any help that can be offered.
  3. So I'm trying to round out my system through upgrades right now, and since graphics cards from this gen are nonexistent on shelves or sites, I'm thinking a memory upgrade would be small and easy. I have 2400mhz ram in it now because that's what I could get my hands on like a year or two ago, but since I went and got a 9700k for my z390 board I'm thinking that it might need higher speeds to do a bit better overall. I remember hearing about Intel locking mem speeds on some chips at some point in the last 6 months or so, but I don't exactly remember which they were, what gen, or otherwise. My questions: 1, is the 9700k's max memory speed locked at 3000 mhz or below, or is it fine to go with higher speed? 2, if I can go higher speed, should I buy 3200 mhz or aim for 3600 mhz ram, and has either gotten cheap enough to go 32gb instead of 16gb? Finally, is it even worth upgrading my ram at all on this processor? I feel like it's fine where it is with xmp and a mild clockspeed oc but I don't know if higher speed ram even benefits me at all for it to be worth it. Thx for the help and advice in advance.
  4. honestly, i might wait until AMD's "announcement", maybe by then inventory issues will be sorted, and I might be able to find a black friday sale somewhere if I wait a bit longer.
  5. Alright, sounds good and thanks for the help! I'll research pricing over the next few days, then hopefully I'll be ready for RTX without a bottleneck!
  6. Oh sorry, forgot to add monitor specs, with a 3070 or 3080, I was hoping for around 120-144 hz at either 1080p, or 1440p with 75-120hz solid. 3-5ms response would be nice, but not needed. I get it if you don't recommend anything since this is cpu section, but anything helps.
  7. So with the launch of rtx 30 series, I've saved enough to be able to upgrade my monitor, cpu, and gpu. I haven't nailed down a monitor yet, but I'm aiming for a 3080 (finally) with either a 9700k or 9900k. Is there any plausible benefit to going 9900k over 9700k? Currently, I have a 9400f paired with a z390 ud, (yes I know I can't OC an f chip) and I want to get a good use out of the OC capability. Any suggestions between 9700k and 9900k, and if you have monitor suggestions, what would you go for? Thx guys!
  8. I mean I realize that I could save up but I just sunk like 350$ into my desktop, and really just need something good for all around projects for school and maybe some games if i ever wanted to. Any suggestions in that area?
  9. i mean quick and dirty means quick and dirty so idk what else to use hehe
  10. https://cpu.userbenchmark.com/Compare/Intel-Core-i7-9700K-vs-Intel-Core-i5-8600K/4030vs3941 quick and dirty comparison for semi recent intel stuff, but for 140$ thats actually pretty good, but you can get an r5 3600 for 160$ish with double the threads https://www.googleadservices.com/pagead/aclk?sa=L&ai=DChcSEwiQ5fj1j43qAhWQhsAKHQWkBLkYABAHGgJpbQ&ae=2&ohost=www.google.com&cid=CAESQeD2Bu84zX8sHp_ZrngpSz0vDzVn-sA7qxYjVCBR2OdzUYO89lehMbBFVZUDH4XWII--gJxqZe-JI9048YkR1-zz&sig=AOD64_2RJh8en5_egE4Bh4gDVTvyj1WXMA&ctype=5&q=&ved=2ahUKEwie-O31j43qAhWHB80KHS8gAK8Qww96BAgOEDM&adurl= Still though, overall you did good with that deal.
  11. update: better list and edited parts, better and still under budget
  12. https://pcpartpicker.com/user/Itsmaverick11/saved/wjfBcf decent part list, under budget, any adjustments just say the word
  13. I'll adjust the extra storage if you want to include a 1tb ssd so fast and big storage, or you could go with the 4 tb of storage for that bigger profile you talked about. Really up to you at this point for storage
  14. If you really do need a good laptop for school, and want some gaming capability along with it for decent money, then this is an option, but like everyone else said, pricing is crazy rn and better deals will show up in the next couple of months assuming the world doesn't collapse in on itself or something. https://www.newegg.com/black-msi-gf-series-gf63-thin-9scx-005-gaming-entertainment/p/N82E16834155354?item=N82E16834155354&source=region&nm_mc=knc-googleadwords-pc&cm_mmc=knc-googleadwords-pc-_-pla-_-gaming+laptops-_-N82E16834155354&gclid=CjwKCAjw_qb3BRAVEiwAvwq6ViRBnC4tS7aELPs6Bqa_Wp5DLogbB-ctU8iOjY8SWifssLGODXkJbBoC7EEQAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds#
  15. Ok so the build I originally had didn't work, but I think I have a new build list that's Micro atx that should be good. Also added lots of initial storage because IDK how big projects in architecture can get. https://pcpartpicker.com/user/Itsmaverick11/saved/#view=8Hhht6 Good power gpu and great cpu for whatever you need really, and unless ryzen 4000 desktop crazily outpreforms 3rd gen, then this is good for awhile. 3600mhz ram, up to 128gb if you ever need that option, and all within 1200$.
  16. Let me find a build list i put together that should be good for this, then I'll edit based on what you need to have prioritized
  17. So I've had a refurbished 2013 Macbook air for like 6 years now, and I only recently got into pc gaming, let alone upgrading tech overall. I simply can't do much more than have a few tabs open in chrome or run old flash games, and even those struggle to run at all. I found a 700$ system with a Ryzen 4000 series apu in it, the hp x360 I think. Any suggestions for laptops in the 600-700$ range similar to that or better? Macbooks or Windows machines are fine, if any MacOS laptops have dropped under 900$ anyway.
  18. ok thx I'm dumb thought this was new but oh well. (Still good value tho)
  19. So I found a laptop today in Costco that had a marker saying it had a Ryzen 4000 series apu mobile chip, and I'm not sure if that's news or not, but it's the first sighting I've had of any products using 4000 series chips that, to my knowledge, haven't bee released anywhere, or at least on the desktop yet. Any comments or ideas?
  20. I posted this previously in the Graphics card section, but didn't get much useful stuff from that thread hoping I can actually solve the issue, its been a few days. I need 160 super drivers to install, and currently what happens is 446.14 game ready drivers download, and then get stuck in an install loop, and I have to system recover each time to reset to my old drivers for my old gtx 1050. Geforce experience also refuses to install, and I have no idea where to go from here. I tried DDU, but that did little other than make proportions of the screen weird. Thankfully, I fixed that, but any suggestions?
  21. Update: Nothing has really improved, but I did get the dimensions of the monitor to scale properly, as before it was weird proportions. I looked around for windows crap, and I'm getting an error code 0x80073712 when I try to update to version 1909. I don't have an idea of what to do from here. Any suggestions?
  22. I'll try it, but around 1.3 tb of stuff will need to be reinstalled. Thx microsoft
  23. I tried DDU, that just made the card completely crash into wierd proportions then go to black screen errors, and I upgraded from a gtx 1050 that I used to first build the system.
  24. I got a new 1660 super today for a build I was doing, and for some reason the drivers came up as blank, or absolutely nothing installed. not even old drivers. Nothing. I did some research before coming here, but found nothing. I can't even install new drivers from geforce.com for the card, and I can't figure out why. Any ideas as to why this might happen?
  25. Were there any specific buyers you used for those cards, or just people getting rid of old cards?