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  1. I have recently started playing mw again on PC and have found that I experience crazy lag spikes while in a game. I have tried things like turning down graphic settings that were very CPU heavy, running the program as an administrator, turning off the discord and nvidia overlay, turning off nvidia highlights and i have downloaded process lasso to set the CPU usage priority of the game to normal however they keep apearing. I am currently playing using a wireless wifi adapter (https://www.amazon.ca/-/fr/BrosTrend-Linux-Adaptateur-ordinateur-Raspberry/dp/B07FCN6WGX/ref=sr_1_4?__mk_fr_CA=%C3%85M%C3%85%C5%BD%C3%95%C3%91&crid=3IFZ06U5HSAXQ&keywords=brostrend+wifi+adapter&qid=1586624484&sprefix=brostrend+wifi%2Caps%2C271&sr=8-4). My whole family is home all day due to quarantine so maybe its because they use wifi too? I am maybe 10-15m from the router. What is the cause of this? How do i fix it?
  2. DrCanada

    New headphones

    Not competitive gamer, have never tried open back headphones, preferably something wireless and it does not include the mic.
  3. DrCanada

    New headphones

    Trying not to go over 450$ cad(about 340 usd)
  4. DrCanada

    New headphones

    My 3 y/o razer kraken has served me well in general. However, the mic is horrible in my opinion and they are quite not a shape I like. I am thinking of selling them to a friend and getting a headphone and mic setup. I am going to get a blue snowball ice but the headphone market is so saturated I need you guys’ help. I would use them for gaming, music on the go and at home.
  5. Hey everybody I was looking for a new ssd because my 240gb Kingston A400 is almost full and I was considering the Crucial P1 but then I saw that much faster ssds that had half the space and faster speeds were much less expensive. Which one should I get?
  6. I think that’s what I’m going to do
  7. I want to get an i5 9600k down the line to upgrade from my r5 2600 but I saw that an i5 9600kf is less expensive and has the same features. Is there any big difference between the two apart from the lack of integrated graphics on the ke chip?
  8. Hi. I was wondering what is the very best mic for streaming, gaming and possibly YouTube on the market. I am asking this question because I do not know a lot about audio and there is a TON of choices. Regarding price, it is not a problem but try not to include mics that cost more than 300$.
  9. Ok. So what is the lag related to then?
  10. But will upgrading to the gigabyte one make me get faster internet speed?
  11. There are 4 people in my house that use the wifi a lot