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  1. I've never had any unreponsive issues with mine. I mean facebook crashed once but thats because facebook is shit, I use it like I used to use my own smartphone. My battery lasts a long time, I use it daily to browse the web, make calls, SMS, facebook and a few games. Im not saying anyones phone sucks but in my opinion, price to performace/usege/durability is much higher.
  2. No its not a troll, I actually would rather have this than an IPhone 5s
  3. Hey! Everyone should ditch their fancy iPhones and HTC ones. Who even uses all the features and who else just loves short 10 - 24 hour batter life? I know I dont. I purchased this Sony Xperia U a couple months ago. I get a 3 - 7 day battery life on it, its super small which gets annoying but the best part about it is the fact that its waterproof and shock proof! Just kidding, it doesnt claim that but I accidentally ran it through the washer and dryer an hour long each.The battery came out and there are dents on the corners. It works like new, even cleaner! Nothing wrong with it! Image of the phone from google:
  4. The name is just an example. I'll be the only one running it as I work alone. I have multiple stable projects all ran only by myself. I may hire someone if it gets out of control.
  5. Then my goal will be to make it better than pcpartpicker.com
  6. Well, My idea is to have some helpful tips for people preparing to build a PC. The site will have multiple PC setups with ranging prices from Budget builds to Enthusiast builds. It will include the prices, total price and a link directly to the part off newegg or NCIX. Users can then register and use the shoutbox or post their PC setups which can be rated and reviewed by the public. Even if the idea isnt good, im doing it for HTML, CSS, PHP and jQuery practice. Below is the start of it.
  7. Great, Ill go to 4.5Ghz later
  8. Hey! This is my AMD 8320. I have been running prime95 for 30 minutes and this is my temp: Is this fine or too high? Thanks
  9. So what religion do I have to study now?
  10. Try removing your CMOS battery for 30 seconds then put it back and enter the bios. Worth a shot
  11. If I could have just my pc and free internet I would sit here all day and read threads
  12. Very neat, I like these off topics. Keeps me interested in my own thread.