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  1. Ok thanks, I'll take your advice and pick the atom/D10 together. This is what you mean? https://www.amazon.co.uk/Decoder-Amplifier-TOPPING-ES9018K2M-OPA2134/dp/B07B46KQVP
  2. Cheers for your reply, it is very close between the 1990 and Amirons.What pushed me toward Amiron is they are supposed to be incredibly comfortable over long listening which is what I tend to do. I found a Fiio K5 pro in stock rather than needing to buy both. Will that be sufficient to drive these and sound good or would you recommend the Atom and D10?
  3. Hi Guys. I'm new to this but i've done research first before coming here so I just wanted some general advice on the set up i'll be buying next month. I want a good quality experience with a flexible budget but it doesn't need to be absolutely break the bank top tier. This audio set up will be for my PC and split evenly between metal/rock/pop music and gaming. To that end I'm thinking of the Beyerdynamic Almirons paired with either the FiioF5 pro or JDS Labs Atom Headphone Amplifier. Any thoughts/criticisms or advice would be much appreciated before I go ahead and spend this much.