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  1. @Den-Fi hahahaha funny story my uncle gave me my motherboard and cpu. And since my dad loves overdoing things instead of upgrading my trash cpu he instead bought expensive cooler psu and gpu. And now im stuck with a bottlenecking pc.
  2. Hi I was wondering if my pc specs could play mirrors edge catalyst. cpu : AMD A10 7800 (slightly overclocked) ram: DDR3 16gb GPU: Radeon rx 590 cooler: H100i Pro psu: hx1000i
  3. @ZephCloud @Sa1tama If i ever overclock that would mean my cpu will have a shorter life span? And if so what would estimated life span be. Im owrried because my family isnt really rich so im trying to make the best I can. I want to be able to play NFS 2015 once my RX590 comes.
  4. Hi I'm new to the pc world. I was wondering what is the safest number to overclock my pc. Inside the Ryzen master utility. [PC SPECS] > cpu- AMD A10 7800 > ram- DDR3 16 gb >(no gpu) >psu- HX1000i (corsair) >cooling-H100I PRO(corsair) Thank you.