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  1. Very high in most, water is on normal, and grass is at very high.
  2. **Update** After removing drivers and reinstalling, along with setting my card to max performance, I'm now getting 50-60 FPS steadily in GTAV. Thank you guys for all the helpful tips and the ultimate solution to my problem!
  3. Perfect. I’ll give it a go as soon as I get home from work! Thank you again!
  4. Okay. And will I lose any promotional offers or anything that I’ve already claimed through nvidia?
  5. Okay! Thank you for the information! Could those traces be causing this low performance??
  6. This may sound silly, but I’m not too familiar with drivers, what effect could that be causing? Wouldn’t the clean install from GeForce remove those previous GPU drivers from the 1060?
  7. Correct performance got worse after installing the new card. I understand the 4790 isn’t the best processor on the market, but it’s still rated quite high in gaming from what I’ve read..
  8. When I installed my new card, I tossed it in and updated my drivers through GeForce Experience doing a clean install. Should I use DDU and uninstall then reinstall drivers with GeForce?
  9. Hey guys. I’m fairly new to the forms but I wanted to toss out a question for y’all. Before we even get started, I know the 4790 is an older CPU. I recently picked up a 2080 Super FTW3 for an amazing price I couldn’t turn down. While playing some games (GTAV primarily) I’ve noticed my frames are absolutely horrible. I do have some graphical mods in, which didn’t fair too bad with my old setup (GTX 1060, approximately 40-45 FPS). I’ve seen benchmarks of GTA with a 2080 and 4790 along with a 1080ti and a 4790 and those benchmarks seem amazing, 80-100FPS. However, with my current setup, I’m struggling to pull 40FPS. Could I be CPU Bottlenecking with this processor? Or am I missing something in my settings that could just be screwing my operation? I’m currently playing at 1080p 60hz (yes, I’m planning to upgrade to 1440p). If any of y’all could give some in-site, I would greatly appreciate it. Thank you again! Specs - CPU - Intel i7 4790 GPU - RTX 2080 Super FTW3 RAM - 32 GB HyperX Fury - 1866MHz Mobo - Asus Z87-PLUS PSU - Thermaltake 650w Gold HDD - (2) 1TB Drives