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Everything posted by vidyasager162

  1. Yeah okay man... sorry my bad..., will surely do some research on that... Sorry that I wasn't helpful.
  2. This is actually a decent build considering that price point.. Also you mentioned you will be outputing 1080p on the two monitors. That will bring the crispiness little bit to the down side as 1080p stretched to 2 displays can reduce the entire resolution displayed. So probably try to buy some decent monitors too. But still this setup is very much gamable.
  3. I'm not sure if you could do that with a single GPU and also this is a laptop .. So you can't use quadros either... So, I guess we can't do 3 individual displays from a single GPU
  4. No, It should'nt affect the VR headser's resolution as it is directly outputed from the CPU and not from the monitor
  5. So if you don't want to output a display on three monitors then what is the use of three external monitors?
  6. You can pair that with a Ryzen 5 CPU series and go for like a MSI B450 tomahawk max for the motherboard.
  7. Yeah right but you can setup multiple displays settings on windows right?
  8. You can try changing resolution from the Nvidia Control panel or just check theHDMI cable becaue HDMI 1.4 can output upto 60Hz on 1440p. Hope this is helpful. If your HDMI port is 1.4 rather than 2.0 you can't output more than 1440p 60Hz. Maybe try the Nvidia control panel settings.
  9. Well then the problem cannot be solved... If we can output via Display Port.. You can use a 1 to 3 Display port splitter to try if that works... Because Display Port outputs 144 Hz... I'll give the link for the splitter. Link: https://www.amazon.com/gp/offer-listing/B00JLRBB8I/ref=dp_olp_new_mbc?ie=UTF8&condition=new
  10. Ohh okay.. I don't know for sure if you could do what you asked... But if i come across anything useful... I'll let you know..
  11. Any idea that why you're choosing AMD over Intel? Is it for the Graphics card.... ?? Also if you're go with 3950x, you will have high turbo frequency , so inturn the heat dissipation is less and the 3960x has more no. of cores than the 3950x.
  12. Yeah noted.. sorry , my bad .. didn't notice that one
  13. Your Mother board is supported for M.2 Boost... which gives you extra speeds on your M.2 SSD... So probably like a WD M.2 Nvme SSD would do. I'll link a SSD Link: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Blue-SN550-High-Performance-Pcie-NVMe/dp/B07YFFX5MD/ref=sr_1_1_sspa?crid=2TA8A6S4EG8F8&dchild=1&keywords=wd+m.2+1tb&qid=1586960904&sprefix=wd+m.2%2Caps%2C349&sr=8-1-spons&psc=1&spLa=ZW5jcnlwdGVkUXVhbGlmaWVyPUExVTQ3UTNMMVFQOFRPJmVuY3J5cHRlZElkPUEwMDI1MTg3TVBVVE5TSDRaT0tLJmVuY3J5cHRlZEFkSWQ9QTAzMTIxMzAyUVo0NU1JS1k5ODRTJndpZGdldE5hbWU9c3BfYXRmJmFjdGlvbj1jbGlja1JlZGlyZWN0JmRvTm90TG9nQ2xpY2s9dHJ1ZQ==
  14. It takes sometime to do that and I don't recommend that you do anything on the PC while it's Defragmenting. The HDD which is lagging , Defragment that one.
  15. I think your choice for the processor is kinda not good.. You can go Ryzen 5 or something... Other item choices are good ... You can go for a SSD as it gives both good boot times and gaming is better on a SSD rather than on a HDD.
  16. I'm not sure if you could do that but you can screen mirror your chromebook to the tablet via some casting app though but that's it I guess..
  17. Sure here is the link https://www.ccleaner.com/defraggler?source=cpc&gclid=Cj0KCQjw4dr0BRCxARIsAKUNjWRaVUqMB_iDlYkA7s3lcHXzrkD8Q6fPe8aFsZZtgYXGX3JFYGqlZbsaAty6EALw_wcB
  18. Hey there.. So the predator helios 300 doesn't allow you to connect external displays with the USB C port... But you can use the HDMI port to connect to external monitor... In your case as there are two monitors you can connect them by using a HDMI splitter. I'll paste the link of one for you from Amazon US. Those things usually cost like 12 dollars or something. Link for the Splitter: https://www.amazon.com/FYL-2Female-Splitter-Adapter-Converter/dp/B07L58J6Y1/ref=sr_1_3?crid=1RJFTSNNFX0AY&dchild=1&keywords=hdmi+splitter&qid=1586958267&sprefix=HDMI+spl%2Caps%2C359&sr=8-3 I think I've solved your problem...
  19. Try checking if the RAM or CPU are compatible with the motherboard you have as the MSI x470 gaming pro only supports 1st, 2nd and 3rd Gen AMD® Ryzen™/ Ryzen™ with Radeon™ Vega Graphics / 2nd Gen AMD® Ryzen™ with Radeon™ Graphics and Athlon™ with Radeon™ Vega Graphics Desktop Processors for Socket AM4
  20. Yeah then use it just for storing and stuff , and probably once after this corona virus problem gets over, try contacting WD's Customer care and try checking with them.
  21. Well, I'd say that your budget for a 144 Hz monitor is low actually and there are many choices for you right from HP to Acer and then also some suspicious generic brands. If you try for 300 euros or 250 you could get a good deal from HP or Acer. If you'll be shopping on UK's amazon then probably you only have HP and some generic brands. You can get a 27 inch HP 144 hz monitor for 249 euros. So probably you can go with that or increase your budget to 400 euros and try MSI Gaming monitor.. Anyways i'll give links for both of them. HP 27 Inch 144 Hz Monitor MSI Optix MAG271c
  22. Well, That totally depends on the compatibility factor of your motherboard. If you can give some details about the motherboard, We may be able to help you more. You've asked for like a GTX 965 m and it's a big upgrade compared to the quadro card you already have and it(GTX 965 m) uses GDDR5 memory and your quadro uses DDR3 memory. So probably look for graphics card that uses DDR3 memory cause I don't think GDDR5 can be handled by the workstation.
  23. This kinda problem , I've never heard or come across before... Probably try some Troubleshooting steps man, like if you have any other machine with you or any other friend's computer or something to figure out whether the problem is on the SSD end or on the motherboard end. This is the first step I'd suggest you to do.
  24. Hey, so from what I hear, Maybe your disk needs to be De-Fragmented. You can use any free software for that. It's just lagging so it's probably not disk failure and it's already of 5400 rpm and it's 5 years old. So, Probably try defragmenting and disk cleanup tools and check if it lags still.If it does still, then ditch the HDD and buy a SSD as you said.