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  1. So I've had this headset for over 4 years it must be now, and it's absolutely amazing, one problem though. From the start, the day I bought it, the headset doesn't work with my android phone without the mic in.... I like to do chores or wash dishes while listening to music and route the cable beneath my shirt to the phone, but doing so with a mic all the time feels stupid..... This occurs only on Sony Xperia phones as far as I've seen... My previous phone- Xperia z5 compact, and current phone- xperia x compact both have the same issue.... I did find a kind of solution to it of using an app that brutally forces the sound to go through the headphone jack called "Lesser Audioswitch" but it recently(a few months ago) got a few updates and now requires money to get features that were there before, and bugs and glitches out alot, sometimes doesn't work at all for a month etc..... And there's the unneccessary inconvenience of constantly having to open an app to switch, and switch back later and close the app... So.. need a new solution.... From googling online found a ton of people having the same issue from 2015 to 2017, and almost all if not completely every case was also on Sony Xperia phones.... And all lead to the same answer to manually switch... What could actually be causing this? I've tried plugging in the headphones with the mic and pulling it out and it instantly cuts off... The phone is Android 8, updated to latest updates. The headphone's too have the newest firmware, or the usb dock rather that I use with my pc. They're fenominal headphones and still look, work, and feel like new 4 years later.... Nothing about them could be better, but this one single issue is a huge pain in the a**... Couldn't find any way to contact support on the HyperX website except a phone number that's based on region, and Lithuania-my country, isn't even there x_x.... I've also factory reset both phones around 10 times in those 4 years, since I hate having a cluttered phone, so that's not an option either :/... Tried rooting my old phone a while back and was unsuccessfull, so no way to install lineage os.... I presume my new phone would have the exact same reasons and I don't really want to risk rooting it again... So.... Anyone has any suggestions or a solution?...
  2. Thanks for the great event, didn't win anything, but at least I got over 1,000,000 points and it was a lot of fun to contribute to something bigger and I'll continue to do so ^^
  3. not gonna lie, I DO have a jet engine as a pc... Also it's a metal case on the floor that is directly above their bed, floor is kinda thin, I'd complain in their situation too... I didn't measure it, but I would say it's equal to a hairdryer at 90dB(just googled dB scale and hairdryer was next to 90...), though jet engine is at 130 dB so not quite that, but close... >_> Once the gpu and cpu fan start going at 2500-3500 rpm, they get loud... They get to that while gaming too if I'm playing something that chokes my 580, and basically any title nowadays pins it at 100%+ I overclocked it so yeah... It does get loud, I can't hear it with headphones on and music at high volumes, but without my headphones idk If I could play any game...
  4. Heyo, what does the "10 days active" requirement in the ltt folding even mean exactly? Because it sounds like the pc has to work for 240 hours in the 2 weeks, and seeing that I can't leave my pc to fold overnight (it's a jet engine), and the pc is literally direct line of sight and 1m away from my head... Also it's on the floor and my neighbors below me complained even if I game at midnight, hard to imagine what folding would do to them >_> Is the requirement 500,000 points OR 10 days, or do I have to do both? Because 500,000 points is easy, 10 days is kinda impossible, depending on what "active" means
  5. 98 degrees CELSIUS :)) Though that's the vrm's temperature, once the vrm's get to 105 degrees the card shuts down to protect itself. The card's temps themselves are lower, about 70-85 degrees, it idles at about 40-50 though, and yes it was overclocked so that might be the thing causing it... I'll be sure to turn off the oc when I want to run F@H. Thanks for the help ^^
  6. Heyo, I've had F@H running for the past 2 weeks and in the past 3 days I've gotten only 2 assignments, I know the servers are overloaded so that's not my problem. My problem is, the assignments that I got were both cpu and gpu, and the gpu would get 30-90% into doing it, and then just yolo and send back the results and fall assleep, waiting for another assignment... Plus from both these times, instead of getting ~80,000 points predicted, I got nothing one time, and 2,000 points the other.... Kinda feels like my gpu was abused and I didn't really get anything to signal that it even did anything usefull during the 5 hours it was cooking itself at 98 degrees.... The cpu usually does it's job, finishes it and gives me the 8,000 points it got after a few hours of folding, no problems with it, just the gpu tasks. I'm thinking of uninstalling since It's obvious I'm not contributing with an idling pc, and there are too many people trying to help and I feel like I'm burning my hardware for nothing....
  7. yeah, I haven't gotten anything in 3 days.... I've paused/unpaused a bunch of times and even restarted a few times... The program has been open for 15 hrs at a time each of the 3 days
  8. yeah, your points reset once you get a passkey.. I lost ~180,000 points but since they don't really matter I don't care
  9. Yeah, 3 weeks in and I finally got 6 of them within 1 minute.... After I entered it nothing changed, I went to bed, the next day all my points were gone and it had been activated. So be careful guys, if you want to keep your points..... I guess tough luck unless you don't want a passkey... I'm getting all the extra points though, ~15-24 hours have passed since I entered it both, into the Advanced Controls window, and into the web access. And it works well now..
  10. Thanks for the answers, from what I read on the post, it sounded like the passkey was mandatory(maybe it was for like receiving rewards or something)... But If it isn't I'm fine with it, still folding- already got 100,000 points for ltt in 2 weeks. Still, I've heard that the passkey grants extra points and I'd like to get it at some point, I'll try every few days just in case, maybe I'll get it at some point. The chrome issue I'm glad is known at least, so it may be fixed in the future Thanks for the answers guys! ^^
  11. 16 days and counting... Have tried multiple times during that time and multiple gmail's....
  12. It's been 2 damn weeks.... I just want a passkey, I enter all the right things(my Folding@Home name and gmail, which I presume is the same as email..) into the form and it says "passkey sent"- BUT IT'S BEEN 2 DAMN WEEKS........ I tried with 4 different gmails today because I was tired of waiting- and none of them got anything... I checked the spam&all mail tabs.... I want a passkey to participate in the covid_19 ltt event, and it said that I had to get a passkey to participate- Problem is I can't.... Also while I'm at it another bug- On Google Chrome the web control site keeps refreshing indefinitely and only way to fix it for ~24-48 hours is to clear the google chrome cache history, but that's annoying af... I saw people complaining about long passkey send times, but they were complaining it took hours or days to send- IT'S BEEN 2-3 WEEKS by now.... Why is that? :(... If anyone knows anything, please let me know- Thanks!