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  1. So when I updated my phone to Android 10 on accident I was dealing with the glitch where every app except for the system apps (like messages, contacts but not including Chrome, Chrome was having infinite loading screen). I'm currently running a Verizon Pixel 2 XL. I tried reverting back to Android 9 but I couldn't because the OEM was locked tried to unlock it with FastBoot and ADB was getting tired since it was 2am. So I tried a Factory reset to at least try and unlock the OEM but what I then realized that all of my apps worked again (I didn't have a backup of all of my files because I didn't care and I wanted to see what happened). I didn't have a infinite loading screens on apps like Snapchat, Instagram, Twitch, and even Chrome. I hope this helps in some sort of way I'm a new user first post so please feedback would be much appreciated. But let me know if it worked of any of you.