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  1. Budget (including currency): Enough for a 3060 at normal MSRP, whenever that comes around again Country: United States Games, programs or workloads that it will be used for: Modern Triple A titles, VR games Other details: Current CPU is a Ryzen 5 3600 with 16 GB of 3200 MHz RAM. 1060 6GB Founder's Edition is current GPU Whenever the 3060 can come back to actual prices that normal people can afford, I'd be lookin' to buy it. As listed above, I like to play VR games. From unoptimized ones like VRChat to polished titles like Half Life: Alyx. My current GPU can run VR games but that's on an original HTC Vive, which is an old headset with a drastically worse screen than something like an Index. I'm pretty sure a 3060 will be able to smash the resolution requirements of modern VR headsets and run everything at a smooth 90 fps but my main concern is whether or not I'm creating a major bottleneck by pairing it with a Ryzen 5 3600. I never fully know about things like bottlenecks because I don't want to claw through all the benchmark numbers. I'm fin with leaving a little bit of performance on the table but if a drastic amount of the 3060's performance gets lost with a bottleneck, I'd rather just save more money and wait longer until the whole chip shortage settles out.
  2. Just wanted to get a feel from a community of techies about the resale price of a 1060 Founder's Edition with 6GB of VRAM. I'll be buying a 2060 Super sometime soon but it would be nice if I could recoup some of the cost by selling my old 1060. It has just been used for gaming over the four years that I've had it. Would 100 bucks be a fair asking price or has the value dropped below that?
  3. I have a 1060 Founders edition at the moment and it is fine for the Rift S which I currently use for vr. And from what I understand, a 1060 and 3600 will pair pretty well together for most uses.
  4. So I've been looking to upgrade my CPU to something new that can support things like M.2 and with a smaller architecture. I've had my eyes on the Ryzen 3600 because of it's price to performance and for most gaming scenarios, it seems to beat out my 4790k. But I'm not entirely sure on things like VR. So I'm curious if anyone can help shed some light on this choice so I can make the best choice.
  5. I am planning to buy a lot of new parts on Cyber Monday later this month and I have my eyes set on the MSI B450M Bazooka V2. I have a problem though. I can't seem to find a 16GB kit of RAM that is 3200MHz at 70-90 bucks that is officially supported by the board on their list. Should I take the risk and assume that since the motherboard says that it can run 3200MHz RAM in A-XMP OC mode, that this kit should work? https://www.newegg.com/corsair-16gb-288-pin-ddr4-sdram/p/N82E16820233859?Item=N82E16820233859 I am pairing this RAM with the new Ryzen 3600 on this board. Feel like I should say that since it is probably relevant information.
  6. I'm going to be upgrading a lot of PC parts soon and I need a new case to put them in because I am tired of mini-itx. It's hard for me to do anything in because I have thick fingers but I know that I can deal with micro-atx much easier. If anyone has any good recommendations, I am all ears, especially if you can talk about your own experiences with it. I do have some guidelines though. Side panel, preferably tempered glass Filtered intakes Comes with at least an exhaust fan. An intake would be great but not super necessary. Decent space behind the motherboard for routing cables Not over 100 US dollars RGB would also be nice but that's an extra thing that I'd be willing to go without if there's no case that can stay within the price range and fulfill the other guidelines.
  7. I'm looking to upgrade my CPU to the new Ryzen 3600 from my old Intel 4790K and I have two main topics of worry. I want to make sure that there won't be an obvious bottleneck. I know that a bottleneck can be caused by a huge amount of factors but looking at purely hardware, would a Ryzen 3600 and a GTX 1060 6GB have any problems with each other? My current PSU is a Corsair SF450. It has worked just fine with my current setup and and the Outervision PSU calculator estimates upgraded build pulling about 390 watts and I don't really have plans to overclock, so would my current PSU have enough headroom to be considered fine?