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  1. Can anyone confirm if this Pi can be used for anything other than pihole sumultaneously?
  2. Apparently YouTube ads are tricky with pihole since a lot of YouTube ads are hosted on the same places the videos are so it is increasingly harder and harder to blacklist them. I've had some success but some ads keep coming up.
  3. All the pihole does is intercept requests before they go to external DNS only if the request is to an item that shows up on the blacklist. Imagine that you want to load up some site. What actually happens is that your computer sends a runner to Google's DNS (or someone else's) who tells you that the address of pornhub is actually (because pornhub.com isn't something a router understands) so now your computer knows to actually contact to load all the assets to your browser. What pihole does is sit between your computer and Google's DNS and forwards the request to Google's DNS only if the URL didn't match with anything in the black list. Imagine your mom checking the message the runner is bringing to Google's DNS, she sees the request for pornhub, kills the runner and buries their body in the backyard and sends back the message (uh this site doesn't exist, sincerely Google, p.s don't check the ditch in the backyard and go do your homework) The static IP v dynamic IP has zero impact to hacking.
  4. Hmm Pi hole doesn't seem to be working for some big YouTube ads. Anyone else having the same problem?
  5. I managed to set this up thanks to this guide having had zero experience with Linux or Raspberry Pi before. My main question is can I do anything else with the Rasberry Pi Zero I got for PiHole or is it relegated to doing this one task ? Ideally I also want to turn it into a torrent box so I don't need to keep my PC on all the time.