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  1. So there isn't clear answer which RAID is better? I guess I'll just flip the coin
  2. I just want to make server, where my parents can store some important and buisness stuff. They need to access it quite often and they are scared that their computers can die anytime. I think it may be easier than connecting some external drives. So yeah, i dont need any overwhelming performance.
  3. What do you mean by toll? Will it burn my Pi to a crisp or it will just take ages?
  4. Well, i don't really care about performance with 100 Mb ethernet. As for storage, i don't plan to aim any higher than 5 TB. At least not now. I am just getting into enthusiast side of things.
  5. I am experimenting with my Raspberry Pi and I want to create NAS server out of it. I am thinking about 2 or 4 drives but i got completely lost in all those RAID types. Is it better to have just 2 drives with RAID 1 or 4 drives with RAID 5? Or do you have some better solution for me? Yea, i know i could buy ready NAS server but where is fun in that? Thanks for you replies in advance.
  6. I think my question is quite clear from the title. I have read, that it is much faster and stuff. Does it drain battery more quickly? Does it still support 3D touch the way I am used to? Thanks for all your answers.
  7. I don't want to control it in any way. I just want to launch that program and thats it. However, if i start it through SSH nothing will happen at all. But the same command works in CMD just fine. I would like to know, why it doesn't work.
  8. I don't want to do anything with that program. I just want to run it. Let's say I want my PC to open my mp3 player and play something. I don't plan to interact with it anymore. Just play random song.
  9. Hi everyone, Apparently, Windows 10 now supports SSH. My goal is to launch some app in my Windows machine using my phone. I am able to log into my PC, but I can't launch anything. Well, I can but it is only some weird process which uses only 2MB of RAM and thats it. However, if I run the same command in Command Prompt it works just fine. Any ideas, please? Disclaimer: I am not expert in this. Please no hate. Disclaimer#2: I am not expert in English either.