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  1. Switch to an HDD. If you mean reduce, then google it as there are countless guides out there. Simple things like reducing the amount of start up processes, optimizing windows settings etc are good jumping off points. If you have an m.2 slot then you could upgrade to an NVMe drive if you really want to reduce your boot time.
  2. Hi everyone, First time poster here, been a lurker for a while and have been watching LTT for years. I use honey myself and think it's great but I have one question that I don't seem to find answered anywhere. Afaik, Honey works by acting as your referral for a purchase which is how they get paid and give you a kickback in the form of points even with no discount present. What I'm wondering is, doesn't this screw over referral links from others? For example, if I watch a LTT review on a new CPU and then use their referral link to buy it and click on honey at the cart, won't that replace the LTT referral code with Honey's and essentially screw LTT out of their share of a genuine organic referral? Hopefully I'm wrong in how this works, any insight would be greatly appreciated. Thanks all!