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Abra Cadaver

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  1. I have a box of old power supplies of course haha. The problem is the barrel jack like the one you linked didn't fit. An 1/8th inch jack did (like an aux cable). So I was thinking I needed something like this: https://www.amazon.com/Volt-Power-Adapter-3-5mm-Connector/dp/B0B11PDNF7
  2. I recently found one of these: https://www.ebay.com/itm/266643427368 I know it takes an 1/8th inch jack and I even found someone explaining the specs of the original power supply: input: 120VAC 60Hz 10w Output: 12VDC 300mA Class 2 Transformer Positive Center {ie. + ---0)--- - } (The original adapter is a Model: WD1E3006PTP) I'm having trouble finding something compatible.
  3. I've got a good position lined up once I get my certification. There are so many different resources, what worked for you? I think studying for the multiple choice will be straight forward enough but I specifically want to know how to best study for the performance based questions. Also, the CompTIA website says the current version of the test is being retired on October 2022 but the current version is TBA? Thanks in advance for any help.
  4. https://imgur.com/a/Z7EkIUC This happened once before and I don't remember how I fixed it. I tried factory reset. Any help would be much appreciated.
  5. I just noticed that turning on gysync automatically reverts vsync to "use the 3D application setting". Ya learn something new every day! Thanks for your help.
  6. It's a gsync monitor, not gsync compatible. It's a 144hz monitor and Elden Ring is locked at 60hz so I know that isn't the cause of tearing. I've never heard about enabling vsync and gsync in Nvidia control panel. I thought gsync replaces vsync. I don't get tearing in Halo with vsync forced off and gsync enabled. I made sure vsync is off in the in-game settings as well (for Halo).
  7. I have turned off Vsync in Nvidia control panel and enabled Gsync but I still get tearing. I tested Halo Infinite to ensure Gsync is working elsewhere and it is. Is anyone able to use Gsync in Elden Ring?
  8. For the last year or so, one of my GPU fans has been rattling and making an awful noise. I finally got around to ordering replacement fans on ebay. The problem is, I can't find any tear-down videos or instructions for my specific card. I found info on the AMP Extreme variant, but that's it. Does anyone have any experience or any advice on how to get to the fans? I've never done any GPU disassembly before. Thanks in advance!