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  1. Would it be best to move one drive at a time to another system or to add the other drive with available space to the original computer and use Linux Live on it? Also, can I put Linux live on the drive with open space, or should it be on a thumb drive? Regarding other disk cloning software, I've only got one disk with enough spare space, but it doesn't have an OS on it. So I could only do that if I remove the drives and put them in another computer. Thanks for your help
  2. When I was in the OS, the drives appear together as one, which is the old data. How do I make an image of the other drive?
  3. My grandfather is hoping to use the updated data because he's been doing his taxes on it. My understanding is he's ok with some risk to the newer data but it would be much better if at least one of the two drives data remains. Would it endanger the old data to unplug that drive and see if the up-to-date drive still boots?
  4. Hey everyone, I'm hoping for some help/suggestions relating to problems with a RAID1 array on my grandparents computer. I should preface this by saying I did not set up the array and I don't know much about RAID setups. The array consists of 2 hard drives. It seems the (presumably) primary drive had an error about 2 years ago and it was no longer updated. In the meantime, they kept using the computer and updated to windows 10 from windows 7. A couple days ago the array stopped being bootable. My grandfather chose the option to recover the failed volume, which had the two year old data on it. The recovery worked but it seems the drive with the old data is the primary drive in the array and so the array boots to the 2 year old copy of their data/system. Neither of the "recovery volume options" - Enabling only recovery or master disk - did anything, they just said there was no backup disk. I would guess this is because they have different data and the array wants to rebuild itself. I can't figure out how or if I can change it to boot off of the other drive in the array. When it loads into windows (7) it starts trying to "rebuild" the updated drive with the old data, and I couldn't figure out how to pause it. It said the rebuild was about 2.2% complete when I decided to turn off the computer so it would stop. I'm hoping there is some way to use the up to date drive. Some possibilities: 1) Simply removing the drive with the outdated information, and seeing if it will return to using the updated drive. This might be complicated by the fact that the updated drive may have been overwritten by the 2.2% complete rebuild (This should be about 3gb or so of data). Will the system work normally if I disconnect a drive which is in the RAID array? 2) Using the option to reset disks to non-RAID, but I'm not sure if that will reset the drives, and I am not sure if the situation is changed by the fact that the drives contain different versions of the system. 3) Maybe there is a way I haven't found to change which drive in the array it boots from. TL;DR: One drive in a RAID1 array stopped updating years ago. When the error was corrected the array wants to use the old data to rebuild onto the still functional, up-to-date drive. I am hoping to keep using the up-to-date drive instead of the drive with the old data. It rebuilt ~2% (about 3gb) of the old data onto the new drive before I turned it off. Thanks in advance for any thoughts/input
  5. The MX200 is $15 more than bx100, is it worth it ?
  6. I have heard some things about the 850 still becoming much slower as it fills up, not sure if it's true though.
  7. I feel like it might get close as he/we is/are planning to OC
  8. In case he decides to go with sli I think 1300w for $5 more would be better
  9. I have been hearing some bad stuff about samsungs ssd line lately
  10. I was thinking something around 1000w but there isn't anything too compelling I see between the 850w and 1300w range
  11. oh that is from something else lol, everything else is right except the psu
  12. What do you guys think of this list? Going to build a PC for a friend, I am in the USA. He plans to use the PC mainly for single player games http://pcpartpicker.com/p/Cjg8gs