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  1. All my friends have 8 and run games fine, but they also have an SSD so ima see if that will make a difference
  2. Thanks a lot everyone who commented and tried to help me ! ! ! Appreciate all of you
  3. Ill just buy an SSD and if that doesnt make any difference Ill just save up to build a new pc, I already got the GPU and ram so yea
  4. Might need some help, how do I know if its failing through that programme uhh, I just downloaded it and clicked start and now its doing stuff lol
  5. Thanks guys, but apparently nothing seems to work, I also dont know if somethings wrong with my HDD, it does show that I have 2 HDDs tho when I have 1. And about the SSD part, Im pretty sure it would boost my pc a lot but like isnt it supposed to be fast without it as well? idk guys, gimme more ideas
  6. Yes, the hdmi cable is connected from the monitor to the gpu..
  7. Well frames are ''good'' but I just cant play it. Take fortnite for example, people with my gpu and 8 gb ram run it fine 100+ fps , mine keeps sturrering, map is rendering slowly. Didnt have a gpu before, and I run the same games the same like I did without the GPU, thats why i think theres no improvement, idk...
  8. Yes its plugged to my monitor, and about the HDD one, what do you mean? failing HDD how do I know its failing or how do I try a different HDD/SSD with a frech window install? you mean to buy a new one?
  9. what do you mean? full system specs, arent the once on speccy the correct ones?
  10. Hello, (What i'm about to say might make you think that i'm really stupid but my computer knowledge is not that big, so i'm sorry in advance ) So my pc has always been kinda bad or better said ''not meant for gaming'', after some thoughts I had the idea that maybe buying a GPU would make a difference, I bought the 1050 ti but literally NOTHING changed, I upgraded my ram from 4 to 8 hoping maybe that would be the missing key to my solution but still nothing. I'm very confused as in why my pc didn't change at all after putting a GPU in my pc (it didn't have one before) and upgrading the RAM. For example I cant run certain games, which I thought I would be able to after buying a GPU but I was wrong. Because I cant run the games, after exiting them my pc still needs a few mins to recover, ctrl alt delete takes 10 years to show up, cant alt tab when im in game, this kinda stuff just SLOW in general. I'm also pretty sure every cable is connected well in my pc cause it does show that I have 8 gb RAM and that my GPU is connected as well (it doesnt have a 6 pin). Here are my specs: https://imgur.com/gallery/MkJQ070 I also have an PCU with 520 Watt so this def isnt the problem. (If you need more things to know why or what I'm missing, please let me know, I didnt know where else to ask for help so I just came to here) WHAT AM I MISSING OR WHATS BAD WHICH CAUSES MY PC TO NOT CHANGE AND STILL BE HORRIBLE -- Enbiya