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  1. Not really. I was first aiming at 3500, but then decided to go for 4000 cuz it's just a 500 more and you can get quite a lot more performance for that extra cash. But it's also fact that I'm collecting cash rn, so that isn't any kind of "budget". The final build isn't really set yet, but I was searching for options of a pc system and more of a fun topic so everyone can go wild with this "budget" build. Also the fact remains that the build won't be happening till beginning or middle of year 2020. and for now the buying websites are caseking.de, amazon.de and newegg.com (as few parts in newegg, because the bigger the packinge the more you pay for shipping).
  2. I knew I forgot something: I'm building an inverted Which isn't good for the look with the case.
  3. It isn't. And not really interested in the price rn, just the parts and there price/performance.
  4. Hello I'm on a weak laptop right now with a dual core intel cpu with a gtx 1050 gpu. I'm looking for a 1440p system that will be mostly used for above 100fps gaming with some programing, photoshop and 3d modeling at the side. I'm was looking for something with a nice look with ether an edgy look or moderate rgb with as few rgb programs as possible for the configuration also quiet is a must. I picked a few components https://pcpartpicker.com/list/78kvzY .I'd like to hear you opinion on it and maybe a few pointers Notes: - system will run 24/7 (with rgb off and low rpm at night) - gaming will take place at leasts 5h a day/intense cpu and gpu tasks - most of the movies will be on it and it will be used as a server for my home(the movies will be rendered to better quality/music will be edited) - this will be my main system for everyday use with gaming and previously mentioned tasks - I have no problem using more money for less hustle with ether programs or cabling - It can be overkill, but not over 4000 € (4.427,60 $)