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  1. my firewall does the trick, my gigabit connection is not so gigabit speed, a snail just past my internet lol
  2. The router (from rogers) goes straight into my gigabit firwall and then into my 24port-gigabit switch. from there it is distributed throughout [rogers router]----------[firwall]----------[switch]==========home my issue is that rogers can see your devices (before my firewall) and have control of your internet router, they can see the IP's and mac address .. privacy issues I think they can't see past my firewall though (lol)
  3. Hi folks, I would like to ask if anyone could recommend a better router than the default router you get with their service. the router has to have the coax thingie to connect, I think
  4. you could create a new machine using Hyper-V and install something like Ubuntu-Server or Centos, both are easy to install a bootable thumb drive using Rufus from an ISO image and install on your virtual machine,, then you can try before you buy, lol the bonus thing about these is that they are free, windows licensing is way too expensive.
  5. Hi, I am running CENTOS 7 on my server Dell R610, install plex on it, working great, working on getting more storage for my videos collection, dang they take up a lot of room lol