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  1. I have tricked out my home office battlestation with all of the bells and whistles so I can play almost any game at all but the highest levels. I love my battlestation. Yet I spend a great deal of time with my family in the living room away from my office and away from my desktop. I would like to be able to play some games while in the living room, but I don't want to give up on the quality of the game play. Should I buy a gaming laptop or buy a slim laptop and stream from the custom PC in my office? If you say BUY, what gaming laptop would you recommend? If you say STREAM, what slim laptop would you recommend AND how would you recommend I stream to this laptop? Guidelines for my system selection 17 inch screen- I'm old, so I need a 17 inch screen to be able to see what I am doing. Ryzen- I've been on Team Red for almost 20 years, so Ryzen is a must. $1000 to $1500- I'd like to be around $1,000 (US), could go to $1500 with little convincing, and could even go north of $1500 if it really wiggled. Prefer 1660 Green team or 570 Red Team (either could work) 16GB+ of Ram (I can plug in a stick of ram without loosing a finger) Thanks everyone!