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Everything posted by Lunar_Mare

  1. I use GCC to compile operating system stuff like kernel , tools , etc. I use my old laptop to do that , i found something unique. if i do multitask , like i use my laptop to watch movie and compiling. the compiling progress get fail to segmentation fault, this which my program on compiling too.
  2. Hello guy, This my first post. i hope this received by this community. TL;DR Did you had recommendation about compile farm PC setup ? Recently, i see many people giving impression about building gaming rigs , 3-D graphic render rigs and etc. But there are rare impression about PC build focused for compiling and linking program, in sort building program rigs. How this idea come to my mind ? I see many GNU/Linux distribution come in binary from, which is compiled first. there a tons of binary packages, exception for Gentoo since that build in your own machine.so the question is, What kind of PC setup handle that compilation progress? could i build it. Thank you. P.S : I had recently meet after my littler research, few Youtube video talk about this. they use AMD TR 2990 but without any further explanation about that. P.S : Sorry for horrible English.