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Everything posted by VirusDumb

  1. I recently bought the game and because I'm in India all the servers usually have over 170 ping also whenever I join a game I'm stuck in waiting for players forever, I want to complete the townhall events but can't cuz of that, if you own the game hmu, my steam and ea username is VirusDumb Also just mentioning cuz I just bought the game and only spent 10 hours on solo quests, I'm really that good
  2. I bought Plants Vs Zombies Garden Warfare 2, 2 days ago on the ea sale, I've wanted that game for a really long time since I was 10, but my parents never bought me that, I also I didn't have a capable PC to run that. It goes all the way back to 2016, back then I didn't know much about tech, video games, PCs and things,but I remember seeing the gameplay video of it and wanting to play it I'm from India and parents here don't usually like to buy videogames for their kids, almost all the games I had were pirated and shared through USB flash drives at school and I had played the original Plants vs Zombies, I just got internet access for the first time back then that's when I started looking for some guides and stuff for it when I discovered gw2, well back then I didn't know about PC specs and stuff, I didn't know my family PC was a potato, I went to some site and it said my PC couldn't run the game, that's how I got into PCs, and since then I've wanted to play it forever but couldn't cuz I didn't have the money to buy it, but because of that I started watching PC build vids on yt and got into tech which won't have happened without this. Finally I got a gt 730 in 2022, but still I didn't have a way to purchase the game, until a few weeks ago when I got my bank account, I gotta confess that this is the first time I ever bought a video game, every other game I played were obtained for free until now, also this was the first time I used my debit card. So finally on 5th May I bought the game on steam,it took me 8 years but I finally made it. But then I just felt this way I don't know how to describe but in a way like this Like I finally got the game after 8 years but still the 8 years is a thing, because right now the Asian server is usually unavailable or has higher ping than AU, EU, NA servers. Also it keeps disconnecting me midgame while I'm doing solo quests. But the major issue is, there's no players in any of the server, during the times I play so I never really got to experience the actual multiplayer to the full extent except one time I got into a game with cheaters. Also a lot of good things and updates and event which I could've experienced had already happened between 2016-2020 so I missed on all those. Now don't get me wrong, on the solo quests and playing with AI ok garden ops I spent a good 10 hours and all those 10 hours I had a smile on my face (except when I got randomly disconnected which might be an issue with my shitty WiFi adaptor). But still I may have missed out things. Now the game will always be in a special place in my heart because of the things it got my 10 year old self into, but I don't know it makes me feel happy and a little sad at the same time finally buying it, also I don't have a source of income and this is the first time I purchased something using my bank account I don't like to look at the - sign under transactions and the uneven balance, so I'm now trying ways to make the money back when I'm not playing the game lol
  3. https://www.instagram.com/reel/C3-m_aYrGR_/?igsh=MTd2Ym94Nmk4dmk5NA== How did computers work like what use were they in, I always thought they were only used in research facilities
  4. How to play the riff from 3:42
  5. Ya but for parties and special events they're not a bad option to have, it's like a bow tie, they go along great with a good suit, also where I'm from people shower daily anyways
  6. I get your point, I don't think workplace is an appropriate place to wear fragrances anyways like you guys were talking about, but for some special event or even going to a date, it's useful. Also it matters from culture to culture, work culture and other things differ from places to places, if you work in a place where your other colleagues wear hoodie and t-shirts to work it makes no sense to dress up in suits but if you work somewhere where people work on suits and wearing fragrances then you feel out of place And one more thing is the way some people apply it too, which they over do it.
  7. I was hoping someone who actually used em all to explain which one would be more suitable for what, also I can't find any information about "perfumed deodrants"
  8. Well you need em for parties and other events, they make you feel more confident and helps leave an impression on people, also I don't mind getting complimented for it. They're not supposed to be alternatives to showering, they're like a fashion item like a bow tie or something like that instead making you look good, it makes you smell good, now you won't use a bow tie while being dressed in shorts as an alternative to wearing a suit
  9. I'm just trying to buy some Versace fragrance online but it makes
  10. well the only mini PCs i can find on sale here in India are these used mini itx lenovo thinkcentres and afaik they probably consume more than 10-20watt
  11. I specifically was wondering about that a while ago, but now my current priorities are consuming as less power as possible and running for months on end without exploding
  12. So is it worth getting a bigger raspberry pi for that or should I look into some other single board computer?
  13. So I've been thinking about getting a raspberry pi for a while now but the bigger ones seem to be a Little expensive, so the zero 2w caught my eye so can I save some money by getting that one and will it do the following stuff: Keep running my multiple discord bots (will run 24x7, will it get damaged or overheat?) A little bit of Emulation and games Run some python iot projects Use samba share to host some of my games and movies And more stuff is it possible? If so what's the catch
  14. well until i get a raspberyy pi this seems the most economical option yet
  15. i dont need to 24/7 just need it to be online for 24 hours until last message
  16. That's the problem I can't keep my PC running 24/7
  17. so i made a bot following this tutorial right now it's a very simple bot just reads message and posts a reaction image or meme, but the method to keep the bot online on replit is now paid, and I don't have any dineros, so is there a way to keep my bot online for atleast 24 hours without any interaction and how do i import my file to that while keeping the env secrets and stuff, i tried pythonanywhere.com but it just won't connect to discord, please help me out
  18. holy fukin zhit, all this time the only problem was the channel I was posting to didn't have permissions for anyone to send messages except admins man upto now I have been coding on python using idle, this pycharm, visual studio and all confuse me a little so i went with replit for this one as it was on the tutorial.
  19. I read the docs and changed the intents from only messages to all, i had to go to the portal and enable some privileges but now when I said !hello it gave me an error looked the error up and the only answer in stack overflow isn't working on it
  20. it did nothing so it's not reading the messages at all
  21. So im trying to make a discord bot so I started following this freecodecamp.org tutorial and made some changes to it because somethings don't work any more my bot is up online but it won't repond to me import os import discord token = os.environ['token'] intents = discord.Intents.default() intents.messages = True # Enable message intents client = discord.Client(intents=intents) @client.event async def on_ready(): print('we have logged in as {0.user}'.format(client)) @client.event async def on_message(message): if message.author == client.user: return if message.content.startswith("!hello"): await message.channel.send("hello") client.run(token) here's the tutorial im following https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SPTfmiYiuok&t=622s I googled for solutions but could'nt find any working ones, pls help
  22. I can do lists, Stacks and Queues which were in my syllabus, I gotta learn trees and graphs
  23. So, Im going to be attending college within a few months doing a bachelors in computer science engineering, I have nothing good to do in these months so i thought why not level up my skills a little, which I don't really have any except the python I learnt in school, now it's not much but I know basic stuff (if/elses, loops ,lists/tupples/dictionaries,functions, handling text files/binary files/csv files) and using mysql library to handle some dbms stuff, i wanna learn some more but ii don't know what to learn where to learn from, I want to get into making atleast 1 small project, I am really interested in ML and would also like to try some Iot stuff with a raspberry pi, but i have no idea how to go on about those things, what libraries to learn, and where and how should I learn them, I've been using IDLE to do python until now, so I have no idea what code editor should I even use, please help me out.