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  1. Was waiting for the 4k FireTV to go on sale so I can start going up to my 4k stuff from my Plex server. Would this be any better?
  2. Are people generally over monthly subscription boxes these days? A few years ago it felt like everyone was getting Lootcrate, or similar type things but I don't hear much about them anymore.
  3. Yeah, that's kinda my point. I've cut down the amount of 3.5" drives I have by so much that the entire front 1/3rd of the case is just empty space now that the cages are gone. I think I've convinced myself to go for the Define C.
  4. I think I get what the OP is getting at and it's something I've been thinking about recently. Like he said, we're dealing with a world now where more and more of our storage is going smaller. M.2s sit on the mobo, SSDs will easily hang off the back of the mobo tray or practically anywhere else we can think of. Network and or Cloud storage is becoming more popular. Streaming and internet speeds are making me less likely to hang onto games/videos. I can't even remember the last time I needed to use a 5.25" drive for anything. One of the main reasons I bought my current Fractal R5 years ago was the modular aspect of the drive bays. Knowing I could add more, take some away, move things round and keep it looking clean in the process. Now I'm looking at a new build and I thought about the case and realised just how much space is wasted in there. I've started looking round at new ones and noticed it's a massive pain in the arse to try and find what I'm after. Is there a standard name for this type of case that I'm just not seeing? Full ATX compatible, with enough space for decently sized CPU cooler and GPU, but without a server farm's worth of drive bays? Just space for one or two 3.5" flat against the front of the case or something so they take up as little space as possible. I'd even say without the space massive watercooling rads too but I don't think there will be many case manufacturers willing to cut out the AIO user market. As I said, is there a name for this layout (where the space marked in red on the pic is condensed or done away with) I'm just not seeing? I want to be able to narrow my search down but it's so hard to do that when you have to dive into every product page and try and find a pic (like the one attached) that shows a cross section of the case then try to judge by eye.