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  1. Can you remind me pls: did someone fix this issue by moving to another house, apartment, town?
  2. I have 100% proof that the problem is in Electricity: when i turn off the PC completely from power just for one night the graphics in game became better(i can see it clearly in Warcraft 3 for example on Priest Night Elf hero`s bow and model). To reduce this issue you should turn off your PC completely from power when you don`t use it. But the only REAL solution for me is to move to another house with another power company. I know exactly that this house(in which i live) is supplied with electricity by an awful company: electricity turns off when in another house just in front of me electricity works nice. But i can`t change the electricity company: i am the only gamer in this house, and other 100+ people that have flats here don`t play games i think they are old or boring normies. So like i said i`am going to buy a flat in another town this summer and i hope there will be no such problem in that town. You can create and sign some petition for changing your electricity company in your cases if this problem is important for other people that live in the same building as you but for me it is not the variant: i think i`am the only gamer in this building.
  3. Of course it is stupid to spend much money on your PC when you have this issue. I won`t buy any expensive gpu or screen, etc. before someone fix this problem.
  4. It looks terrible for you. It`not a fact. This 'terrible' is only in your brain. For me GTA V looks nice. I play with MSAA4X,TAA, Full HD, Ultra settings, in addition setting i changed something about flight loading distance(something like that). I don`t play Assasin`s Creed so i can tell you nothing about it.
  5. I didn`t write that with this issue graphics look better. Of course they look worse but they still look good for me. Without last generation graphics AAA games are still fun to play for me. It`s a fact. Okay the loose their 'AAA' status because of their not last-gen graphics(with this issue) but they are still good games. Let`s call them just 'A-games'. I want to solve this problem not for myself - on my mother`s TV the picture quality also became worse. I want to help her that`s why i visit this thread.
  6. I care about graphic quality that`s why i am in this thread. I understand the difference but with this issue for me games still look good but without this issue they looked better of course. That`s why i want to find a solution for this problem, but i don`t think that this problem is very big. I don`t like when people dramatize, overpaint and write that the games look like 'crap' with this issue. I play not only AAA games, but if we speak about AAA games which i play the main reason i do so - these AAA games are interesting, graphics are not the main reason why i play them. I remember 2015 when i had an office-PC(GT 630 card) and played GTA V on 1280x720 minimum settings 30-40fps and still enjoyed it. So i hope now you get it?
  7. I wrote not about just a boot logo(which looks worse than before; we know about it) but about some strange lines of different colours which appear on the black part of the boot screen, not on the boot logo(Asus for example) itself. This part of the boot screen must be completely black without any lines and it is completely black most of the time but sometimes it has this strange lines-artifacts. Also i see some lines-artifacts when exit the system from ctr+alt+del menu(also on black screen which appears for a small time). I remember that before this issue with graphics i didn`t see any of this artifacts. I think it is a part of one big problem. Later i`ll try to make a video of this artifacts.
  8. I`am worried about another thing. Guys with this issue, do you also have some weird artifacts during bios logo? Some lines appear on the screen sometimes when you turn on the PC and bios loading? Also i see artifacts sometimes when i press ctr+alt+del and choose the third option 'log off' оr 'exit' from the list(it must sound something like this in english;my win10 is not in english). Does someone have the same issue?
  9. Yes there is an issue but anyway i can play games with it and have much fun. I can`t say that this issue ruins the graphics so much that you can`t play games and enjoy them. Maybe that`s why many people ignore it?
  10. Did you have sudden electricity turn off during this two weeks when your pc was on? 'On' i mean it was even pluged into socket? Even if your turn your pc off but it is still pluged into socket(and if electricity turns off suddenly at this time) i think it can still damage your PC.
  11. I tried my pc without my power strip and the problem still existed - so power strip damaged our pc anyway and we can only buy another pc with another power strip.
  12. I think it is electricity problem - before it happened i had sudden electricity turn off-s several times during May. Some of them during using PC. And then they tried to repair electricity for 5 hours one day and i think now they give me and other people electricity of low quality. That`s why the PC can`t work well. I found a proof of it on the Internet but the article is not in Engish sorry. In it they write that a typical symptoms of bad electricity are periodic flickering lamps(i have it for many years) and Violations in the operation of instruments and equipment (especially sensitive electronic equipment) - this is exactly what we have!
  13. No i remember that the same games didn`t look so bad like they look now. It is not engine problem. I remember that GTA V looked much better when i played it in April 2019 and now it looks awful.
  14. This people don`t play games very much time, am i right? Because for example i remember that GTA V never looked very nice but i exactly remember that it didn`t look so bad like now. I remember that Saints Row 3 with MSSAx8 FULL HD never looked so bad. I spent hundreds of hours in these games and i can tell exactly that this is some problem that really exists. We are not crazy.