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  1. Ok I’ll go with the dell monitor
  2. ok I’ll get that monitor
  3. @Slottrok I’ll use 1440p only then
  4. Anyways my max limit on monitor is 360$. Out of all monitors do you think I should go with a 299$. I want best quality and performance.
  5. Ya I know performance in some games will be bad but I have rtx 2080 so it can handle 4K at nearly max settings
  6. hi I have a few questions. I’m about to buy a 1440p 144hz gaming and work monitor but I’m stuck on which one to get. I’m thinking of getting the monitor below because it also has 1ms response.anyways I’m trying to get the best monitor below 365$ which is 27 inches. Money isn’t an issue as long as it’s below 365$. Quality and performance is the biggest concern. Also I have heard some people say get 1440p 144hz over 4K 60hz montor but I didn’t hear anyone mention the 4K setting in Nvidia. I’m able to use 4K settings on my 1080p 60hz monitor and it looks great. Anyways this monitor is going to my brother and I have choices for new monitor. But did you guys ever use 4K settings in game on a 1440p monitor. How does it look? https://www.amazon.com/B27QGM-Esports-FreeSync-Adjustable-2560x1440/dp/B07HY8XGRB/ref=sr_1_1_sspa?keywords=1440p+144hz+1ms&qid=1560897047&s=gateway&sr=8-1-spons&psc=1
  7. nevermind 32 may be too large ill go with 27 inches but thanks for the idea
  8. ok il get 1440p 144hz monitor. i see its alot cheaper than the 1440p 144hz monitor. but its a tough choice going for 27 inches or 32 inches
  9. i mean the problem about using scaling is that i see no difference from 1440p and 4k on desktop mode. anyways i think my choice is something like a 1440p 144hz monitor or 4k 60hz monitor. i cant find any 4k 144hz monitor on amazon below 400$.
  10. hi im a bit new to monitors but im getting a new monitor soon because my current one is going to someone else. anyways im stuck between getting a 4K monitor or a 1440p monitor. the price range im expecting is 300-400$. when i use my 1920x1080 20 by 10 inch monitor it makes everything look extremely small in 4k settings. its very good how i am able to fit more programs on 4K resolution but its readable. anyways how is the readability for you on your 4k resolution monitor? do you use "change the size of text, apps, and other items" in your windows 10 settings? also do you know which monitor on amazon i should get in the 300-400$ range. im okay wth 399.99$. i have been seeing stuff about hz and response time, but i dont know how to target the best monitor because theres so much to it. my specs right now are i9 9900k rtx 2080 16gb ram so it is able to handle 4k. i do able 60% gaming, 40% work on this computer (edit): it is readable is just hard to read sorry for that mistake on 4k
  11. I feel like the obvious answer is yes I just don’t want to have to remove this power supply again
  12. Ok I chose to flip it but should I remove this thing from the bottom?
  13. Yes it’s a lot of work due to cable management in tiny space. I could remove the side panel if that would help though
  14. Hi I have a nzxt h500. I see some places saying to install the power supply facing upwards and others saying to install it facing downwards and I don’t know what to do. Right now I installed it facing upwards. Should I change it?
  15. It says my cpu temps are 29 degrees and system temp is 37. So everything seems to be ok.