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Nano Adam

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Everything posted by Nano Adam

  1. How many months/years have you been using the laptop for? You could try re-formatting the hard-drive, but this sometimes means that hard-drive is not cooperating.
  2. You could convert to JPEG and then find a application that can do mass compression.
  3. Just find out what key lets you choose the boot device, then select your SSD
  4. Oh yea! He needs a router instead of a switch first! I re-checked my facts!
  5. Then you should be fine! Or, the laptop replacement you were sent is most likely activated, so I don't think you would face an issue.
  6. I remember seeing that happening in action.
  7. Were you signed into a microsoft account on your old laptop? Also, It will be as you left it. Except the laptop condition. lol
  8. I am speaking about that the router will handle any devices. It is modem > router > switch.
  9. If you have any future questions, feel free to contact me or here on the forum!
  10. I am a type of person who prefers to work from scratch, and replacing all the fans will let me know how that system work since I am the one who replaced it. Best to wait what others say!
  11. Find a 4 port switch, and connect that to your modem, then two routers from that switch. I would suggest the router to have enough ports as you will need for the customer PC's. Or, let's say in Room 1 you work on customers pc's, then have a wire straight from the modem switch to that room, and have a router in there connected, that way you can unplug the router whenever you don't need it easily. Then the other router for your home, connect the 24-port switch to the home router, and then setup the rest however you like! I suggest two routers since I would personally spend the bit of extra money for that. I am not experienced in VLAN, so I don't know if I would take that route or not!
  12. In this case, I would also replace the fans that it is connected to.
  13. If your Eero Mesh Network base is a router, then plug the switch into it. You plug the base of the Mesh into the modem. Also, my suggestion would be to have 2 routers. One router for your home traffic. But then another router for your customer PC's. Both routers plug into the modem (assuming modem has 2 ports). Or you can do a VLAN solution, which I never ran into.
  14. So. Most home consumers run into something called a Modem/Router combo. A modem router combo is a router + modem + switch. It provides your home with wifi, and let's you plug in ethernet devices. All the modem does is that it decodes the ISP signal so your devices can understand it. Now the good person would do is get 3 things: - Modem - Router - Switch The modem will decode your ISP signal which you plug into the router. The router handles giving your devices IP Addresses, and routing the internet traffic, but won't provide WiFi, unless you get one with wifi. Some routers have built in switches, usually 4 ports which let you plug in your devices Then all the switch does, it takes in the router, then allows you to have more ports to use. Additionally, an access point gives the wifi to your devices. But if you are ethernet only, then access point not required. -- My setup for instance is that my Motorola Modem handles decoding the signal, but then my router routes the traffic and acts as an access point and switch.
  15. I don't think you should have a problem. Linus explains the answer in here: And you can get some entertainment out of it while you learn the solution!
  16. If you want. You can pick up a used enterprise type switch from ebay!
  17. Should have no issue, except for the brand name as you say. Go ahead! But if you put just a bit more money, you can get a Netgear switch. https://www.amazon.com/NETGEAR-Ethernet-Unmanaged-Rackmount-GS324-100NAS/dp/B01AX8XGQI/ref=sxin_7_ac_d_pm?ac_md=2-0-VW5kZXIgJDEwMA%3D%3D-ac_d_pm&crid=25558M30T9ZTJ&cv_ct_cx=24+port+switch&dchild=1&keywords=24+port+switch&pd_rd_i=B01AX8XGQI&pd_rd_r=80bdc5c5-52e9-4960-b29c-67af22358d9b&pd_rd_w=6yyPP&pd_rd_wg=3O2or&pf_rd_p=4ad7736a-c9f7-4bcd-8a16-bd943c26821c&pf_rd_r=SNTBXS5GG9SJ6TZDHRYF&psc=1&qid=1592250533&s=industrial&sprefix=24+port+%2Cindustrial%2C152&sr=1-1-22d05c05-1231-4126-b7c4-3e7a9c0027d0
  18. You could keep the modem as is. Here is a good router: https://www.amazon.com/Ubiquiti-Networks-ER-X-Router/dp/B0144R449W/ref=sr_1_2?crid=3VICDSHGOVZVV&dchild=1&keywords=ubiquiti+router&qid=1592250422&sprefix=ubiq%2Caps%2C157&sr=8-2
  19. I never heard of the monitor causing a bottleneck with the system itself. Maybe the salesperson underestimated you or something. Or he is trying to sell you out on more expensive parts. Since a CPU/GPU upgrade or monitor upgrade might mean something for him (maybe commission). I heard this one story where one person who was techy, but did not know much about computers and was sold a PC that you can play AAA games, but he only need a PC to use a web browser.
  20. For some reason, the keeping all files option in Windows means that there could be something wrong in the file system (maybe). Since resetting windows never solved any of my problems. Instead, I completely wiped the drive and re did windows installation. *All that hassle made me switch to mac. So, I have no current information on Windows.
  21. The reviews speak for me: https://www.amazon.com/product-reviews/B07SRCSML4/ref=cm_cr_unknown?ie=UTF8&filterByStar=five_star&reviewerType=all_reviews&pageNumber=1#reviews-filter-bar Whenever I need a product, I read the reviews.