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  • Location
    Ontario Canada
  • Interests
    Medicine, Gaming, Movies, Health, Technology.
  • Biography
    20 something student learning about tech and computers. Trying to build my own gaming pc. Any input is appreciated.
  • Occupation
    Temp (factory worker)

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  1. Thank you all so much for your time and help with predicament. I cannot express how happy and relieved that you all have helped me. Thinking over your comments I've decided to build my own desktop. While Origin and DigitalStorm do look interesting they are a bit to constricting for my taste. I will use pcpartpicker to help me with my build. A special thank you goes to Acid Panda in giving me a clear idea in cpu overclocking and the type of gpu I will need. When I have a better idea on what my build will look like I would appreciate any critique that you may have on it. Thank you all once again.
  2. Hello, this will be the first time that I will be posting on this website. I apologize in advance if I write things with incorrect terms or have misconceptions about certain products or practices. The purpose of my post is to decide whether to buy computer parts to build a desktop or to buy a pre-built desktop. I've ruled out laptops due to already having one and wanting to spend the money on a good system that can't be plucked out of a bag. Currently the conflict I'm having is surrounded by these categories: upgradability, cost, performance, and warranty. I understand that when considering both options that these have a major role to play in my decision. I know to a degree that I would like and intel build using a gtx gpu. the reason for this is that I understand Intel's products much better than AMD's. However if anyone can send me videos or links that will educate me on AMD I will gladly consider it. This may sound ambitious but I want a system that will be able to do 4k HDR graphics for movies, if it can do it for games then that will be a bonus. Also having the option to get into VR in the future is something that I would like but is not necessary. In all honesty even though I've spent 6 months of research in my spare time I'm still not sure what the requirements will be for the computer. In terms of upgradability I do wish to have this feature yet I fear that a majority of pre-built pcs warranty would be void if I replaced parts. Considering the price inflation for GPU's today it would be nice to buy a decent one soon and upgrade to a stellar one in the future. The cost is another thing that really concerns me. I currently make minimum wage (14$/h) in Ontario Canada. To give you an idea I make just under $2000 in a month at full time while going to school full time. $2000 Canadian is just under $1500 American, So to get an overkill system that is 4 grand in the US is about three months of straight earnings. So I'm looking to get my moneys worth. In terms of performance the most I will probably put it through currently is games like Shadow of the Tomb Raider, overhaul and 4k mods on Fallout 4 and Skyrim, Halo: Wars 2/Infinity/collection. The main reason I'm looking into the desktop is actually to play Halo Infinity and the Master Chief collection at better condition than the One X can perform. Basically I want to take advantage of the quality and colours that new triple A titles can dish out now. In terms of warranty my main concern is once again upgradability and more importantly overclocking. I know that overclocking reduces the estimated life of the hardware of a pc, and sometimes the warranty can become void due to that. Also whenever I watch videos on overclocking it sounds like I'm watching a video in a foreign language. In all honesty I'm utterly intimidated at the notion of overclocking without an experts supervision. I can be enticed to overclock my future system if my warranty will still cover it if I do overclock it. Water cooling also sounds awesome because it can be effective and silent, but the risk of damaging the hardware scares me greatly so I think I will stick to fans as a side note. I understand that there is approximately over twenty things that I asked in this post but any tips even on a single thing will be greatly appreciated. I understand that my knowledge is very limited and that may be frustrating to the experienced people on this website so I apologize for any annoyance I may have caused. Thank anyone who has read through this for listening to my issue and I wish you all a good day. TLDR; Beginner doesn't know what type or how to get a proper desktop and is asking for help.