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  1. That wouldn’t matter I’ll upgrade the pc later just want that build And I’m getting a job in the summer so I’ll put more money in my savings account
  2. Thank u can’t really afford two much I only get like 680 every mounth will take me time to get each piece of pc parts I’m only getting one part each mounth and I’m getting a job will help me get my parts faster that is the right price I can get only getting one part at a time not the hole thing at once I’ll allso will go into YouTube and will get that build on YouTube in the future Not worry will mention on u zeitec I’ll come back I’d like a vid on how to build that pc in the future Is it possible to get the Samsung hard drive upgraded to a 4 tb in the future
  3. Oh and tea drinking can u list a hard drive for that build not two expensive I only get like 680 every mounth and I’m getting one part at a time will take me a couple of mounts to get Yo zeitec can u list a price for a build to change that price I’m also putting money on the side to save up as well for other parts and will take me about a year and a half to get my pc and like a cheaper hard drive in that pc plz and thank u
  4. Is there a cheaper for the hard drive because can’t find that on amazon like a hard drive won’t spent to much money on for that build Yo Jones can u link your pc build the 2 builds u got I’ll like a estimate how much will it cost here in Canada I’m going for a good pc with streaming added in the pc
  5. Yo I’d like to know what gtx graphics card that u had Back in December 2018 the YouTube vid u had can I get a link what build u had I’m a quit a hardcore gamer and like to start to build pcs