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  1. I don't know a TON on the mechanics of a PC, I know enough to build one and how to troubleshoot etc... So more than the average PC user in the world maybe, but my question is... Is RAM still really needed in the small size and form? I mean... Why cant manufacturers throw a PCIe slot there for an M.2 and use that as ram? Please explain.
  2. I built my PC about 8 years ago. And it was basically, watch videos and color directions, like an erector set lol. But just to know the mechanics behind it would be neat.
  3. I mean I know which parts do what, but I'm looking more at the how. Like how do the cuda cores work on a GPU, how does threading work on a couple etc etc etc...
  4. I'm assuming I should be able to order on Amazon?
  5. Hey everyone, I am pretty computer savvy, but not so much tech side of things. I am knowledgeable on the anatomy but not the physiology of PC hardware. What are some straight up and straight forward resources I could use to learn the more technical aspects of the hardware. Thanks, Christopher Mattas