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  1. thanks!! thats why i said i was a bit dumb.. haha
  2. Ahh, didnt realize that is how that worked.
  3. Hi, when i do a test for internet speeds on any speed test, i get about 60 to 90 Mbps down. Although when i try and download anything my max speed is 10 Mbps(oddly enough it is maxed at 10). I fully understand i will not get full speeds. I do not understand how i am only getting 1/6th of my internet speeds its showing. (i am wired on PC and PS4). Also, when i download anything from pc or ps4, it severely slows down all other devices. Also, i am super dumb when it comes to computers or internet stuff. So using certain lingo should be cautionary. Edit: i do not have my steam max download at 10. its uncapped. Steam download speed.mp4
  4. okay so none of these solutions worked, but i was able to get my pc to boot in safe mode, in safe mode i was able to use any and all admin capabilities, as far as i could tell.
  5. a clean install of windows? unsure of how to do that
  6. i am pretty sure i am, it was fine like a month ago then all of the sudden i have been getting all of these problems. Edit: just checked yes i am admin
  7. i dont have the file or any file like it in my system.
  8. I keep getting either, Bad image errors or file system errors. i keep getting 1 particular bad file system error which is (-1073741792) I have tried to clean the Drive but i get the errors when trying to open anything important. I cannot even open Command prompt. If i go to properties on the drive and click clean disk error checking clicking on it does nothing. no matter how many times i click... I am not great with computers so try not to use lingo that i will not know. (i do know basics though) Edits were grammar issues
  9. https://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=9SIAGCB8GH2038&ignorebbr=1&source=region&nm_mc=KNC-GoogleMKP-PC&cm_mmc=KNC-GoogleMKP-PC-_-pla-until-you-_-Accessories+-+Motherboards-_-9SIAGCB8GH2038&gclid=CjwKCAiAwojkBRBbEiwAeRcJZEV2ePeFmkBED28T1MhqJo8R8rl2x9JnQufrh52uCVXm9k3xdb1lURoCdmgQAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds this is my mobo
  10. It is not on steam it is on Epics launcher but i think it runs slow on basically anything.
  11. this may or may not help. Just remeber its a Budget build i played around 200 for everything. Got some stuff for free (cpu, case, ram) r9 200 series GPU i3 2120 3.3 Ghz (super old i know) 6gb of ram (I know its a odd amount) MOBO is trash and i knew that when purchasing it i couldnt even tell you the brand. I figure its the MOBO causing this issue i just want to make sure if it is not i can fix it.
  12. I only know the basics to computers, to that statement all i can tell you is the mobo doesn't have wifi capabilities.
  13. Even when i am downloading something? its taking forever to download because the send rate is so low. This type of download would take maybe 20ish mins on my ps4 or phone, and its been a over an hour. 11 GB game. Not on steam.