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  1. The bracket fixed the problem.
  2. I just bought a GPU bracket off amazon, hopefully that fixes the issue. I also found a couple of 3rd party GPU fans that I could install if the fan starts to seem like it could go bad. I looked on youtube and it doesn't seem much harder than installing a CPU cooler apart from making sure the memory is being cooled as well. I'm going to wait and see first though.
  3. I have a GTX 1080 (founders card) that I got when they first came out a few years ago. For the last few weeks I have been hearing a really loud fan in my system that wasn't there before. It only would happen for a few minutes right at start up but I always assumed that it was the cheap case fans that came in my corsair case. Well today I actually opened up my case to see what it was and it was actually my GPU. I pushed the GPU up a bit and it stopped doing it, so now I'm wondering what I should do. I took the card out, and put it back in and for now its fixed but I don't really want to risk burning out the fan. Has anyone ever had a solution to this before? I saw some brackets on amazon that claim to fix this problem by pushing the card up. Do these work? Here is what I saw:https://www.amazon.com/upHere-Graphics-Anodized-Aerospace-Aluminum/dp/B076GYL25H/ref=sr_1_4?keywords=gpu+bracket&qid=1550427380&s=gateway&sr=8-4If the fan does go bad eventually how hard is it to replace? What kind of fan would you guys recommend putting on my GTX 1080. I would like to get a few more years out of this card. I also included a picture of my case so you can see how the card sits in it. I think it doesn't help that the memory modules are pushed right up against the card. https://imgur.com/a/EYTrG3h