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  1. https://www.bestbuy.com/site/dell-27-led-qhd-g-sync-monitor-black/5293502.p?skuId=5293502 https://www.bestbuy.com/site/dell-se2717hr-27-ips-led-fhd-freesync-monitor-piano-black/5996200.p?skuId=5996200 These are the two monitors I'm looking at. Would there be any issues in having one gsync monitor and one freesync monitor? Just got a 2070 for my pc and looking to upgrade to a 1440p, and want monitors to match as close as possible the ones i have now are both 1080 and have no vesa. Anyone using either of these have any input?
  2. I sent an email. Really hoping they will fit. Love the look of those pro cables.
  3. NP. The more you play the more you will learn all the different champs and what they do and that really helps a ton.
  4. your not level 30 yet so you have plenty of time. As thresh you just have to be careful and try to land hooks on priority targets (adc, mid, top or jg if they are playing a carry) otherwise just try to flay away from adc or lantern adc if fights start going bad. Most people tend to not finish support items first either try to beef up before you finish the item and only rush Mikael's crucible if they have really heavy cc. Your 1/7/2 game a day ago they really had no AP on their team or cc outside of janna and nasus so it isnt worth building it at all. Games will always be different and dont think you have to build a certain way for each game. If they are heavy AD get a frozen heart early. MR really isnt worth stacking as support unless they have a support caster that can do a lot of damage like brand or velkoz. Just keep playing you still have a lot of time to get to level 30 and get into ranked matches.
  5. post your op.gg profile. thresh is pretty advanced champion for support. it takes a lot of time to get good. id be happy to take a look at your profile and see your builds and recent games.
  6. Post this post implies the SE series of cable mod will work with the power supply I'm just wondering about the pro series.
  7. Will any of the cable mod pro cables fit on my seasonic power supply? This is my power supply Will these potentially work? Cable Mod Pro Any help highly appreciated as I'm looking to purchase before my gpu arrives.