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  1. Ive already reinstalled the sound drivers should I try some others?
  2. So I just got done building my new pc using the NZXT h510i case and Asus prime z390a mother board everything was working fine and then all of a sudden the audio in my head set cut out so I tried some other speakers, headsets, etc. and my audio isn't working on any devices. I tried the aux jack on the case which is what I was using originally when it worked and the ones on the mother board none seem to be working
  3. yeah i know lmao. when i get the money im completely building a new pc but he was seling me his card for $150
  4. I've got a hp omen 870-224 https://support.hp.com/us-en/document/c05389962 those are the specifications about it. anyways my friend is selling me his old 1080ti for super cheap. I know it'll be bottled if I do use it but I was wondering if my motherboard would even be able to support it?
  5. So over the summer of last year, I bought a prebuilt and now I am really regretting it wishing I built my own. Anyways I'm trying to find out what the best CPU and Ram I can get for it is. The mobo is an Odense-2k. I know the specs say for the CPU the best I could get is the i7-7700 but I was wondering if I could get the i7-7700K instead and everything works fine. Then for the ram, I was wondering if I could get one with faster clock speed and it works fine, so that way if I get a new mobo in the future I already have the faster ram and don't have to buy some again Mother Board - https://support.hp.com/us-en/document/c05355651