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  1. If you want to make your static strap even more useful, I would convert the end of it to an alligator clip. That way you can just clip it onto any metal part of the case when it's grounded, or onto any other available ground. Like was said before most of the time just touching a grounded surface before doing any work is enough for most home repairs, but if you are working in an environment that is conducive to ESD (low humidity, carpeted, etc) it's always good to play it safe and clip on a grounding strap if you have one available.
  2. I don't think this would be good as a primary phone, but really for the price point it would be great as a secondary phone. If you go on long business trips where you don't know how often you can charge devices, or camping trips, or even a long road trip or vacation. This would be easy to swap your sim into, or buy a local sim where your traveling, then you don't need to worry about battery life along with if it gets wrecked, lost, or stolen your not out your primary device or a lot of money.